Can someone please explain to me why they are doing this? What about Sanders are they getting behind? I don’t understand why the Dems aren’t full on embracing Warren, who is *clearly* the best candidate.
Can someone please explain to me why they are doing this? What about Sanders are they getting behind? I don’t understand why the Dems aren’t full on embracing Warren, who is *clearly* the best candidate.
Jameis said the craziest thing about playing in London is that you assault Uber drivers on the other side of the road!
Then there is this
That is a quintessential racecar noise. I love it.
Conflicted Porsche owner.
The slowness by which Bills fan bystanders tend to him (not to mention the fact they held onto their beers) is as 1:1 on-brand as it gets.
he offered to go get ice cream with the kid to patch things up.
It is hard to look at this parade and not think that China is advancing on the U.S. in fielding key weapon systems, if not beating America outright in some ways.
It’s possible to be against the US foreign policy in the Middle East and not just whitewash the Iranian Regime’s actions.
Their defense is the real reason why they won.
QB: MAY, 19, 68... MAY... 19... 68...
QB: KILL, KILL... [Looks to sidelines, wild-eyed; makes exaggerated shrug]
Offensive Coordinator: [Signals “2" and “0"]
QB: [Nods, returns to snap count] BLUE DOG 2020, BLUE DOOOOG 2020!
CENTER: [Snaps ball]
QB: [Drops back three steps]
[Fakes left]
The man is a fucking idiot. We’ve known that for years. Thus no need to be in a quandary. Hopefully more Americans have realized this and we’ll only have to endure embarrassing headlines for one more year.
I lucked out in that department. The description of Enchanter was rather vague, but it sounded like it could be interesting, so I went with it. I didn’t figure out what Mez was used for until my early 20s and there were murmurs grinding in Temple of Cazic-Thule that this Clarity spell for Enchanters at L29 was mana…
I played a paladin, and I’d say we were fine in vanilla, it was Kunark that fucked us. Higher skill caps for warriors made them clearly the best tank, and even though that got fixed like halfway through Velious, warriors remained preferred until PoP.
I was a broke 18 year old when I won my Corvette on $4 in raffle tickets. It sucked having to sell it, but the net was still pretty sweet for a broke 18 year old.
Not the Antonio Brown come back story I expected.