India will be the next China in terms of cheap manufacturing and labor.
India will be the next China in terms of cheap manufacturing and labor.
Someone told me you need a reservation to get into Yosemite valley now? That place was busier than downtown Manhattan last time I was there.
Want to take a shower and actually come out feeling clean? HOW DARE YOU! THINK OF THE WATER YOU ARE WASTING!
Went to visit in-laws in France (wife is French American). They were yelling at me for taking long showers. I was in there for 10 minutes, tops.
What is the most miles you have seen on a Ferrari?
When I ask them the equivalent of, “Is pulling a gun how we should settle arguments now?” I rarely get a reply.
Anyone else have this?
I don’t think any administration is going to allow Huawei back in the US. Present or Future.
If he picks Warren as his VP, you may very well get what you want :P
The DCT in my S3 has been nothing by great so far. I am sure it is going to explode at some point, though.
I pay for ATT TV (formally DirecTV NOW) on my Roku. I am actually content with it for 2 reasons.
Commercials. The ones you pay for now, actually made free TV... free.
The polls where I live were literally PACKED with people like this in 2016. Nothing at all like I saw in 2008 and 2012. I knew Trump was going to win the minute I got in line.
This is happening because a large portion of our population will not believe this virus is real until they or someone close to them becomes infected with it.
Remember folks:
I hope they bring this to Orlando or Hollywood.
Why is it every single POTUS has a pristine clean desk? I don’t know anyone at work who gets anything done with a desk that clean!
I think it is about his legacy. He wants to be on the right side of history. He wants to come off as fair and unbiased. Good for him.
It saddens me to read all these comments. I am Active Duty and my shop consist of some of most progressive and diverse people I have ever worked with. Some of us come from wealthy families, others come from nothing. Some of us are religious, most of us are atheist. We are a mix of Hispanic, White, African American and…
Don’t be fooled anyone.