
Were you hoping the gnome was hispanic? Perhaps some black scandenavians or pacific islander redheads?

I found her CDL Instructor.....

Raising the floor creates pressure to increase wages in other private and public industries, including yours.

true. i resent the practice of misrepresenting articles' content just so people will get polarized and click. we can be trusted to genuinely care about nutrition, health, and body stuff without the michael bay equivalent of a headline being rammed down our throats.

Word. I get so tired of this. C.A. knew exactly what bullshit that headline would draw. The article doesn't reflect the headline at all, but hey, what's a little sneering mockery for genuinely sick people compared to a few more clicks!

"So even if someone does not have an adverse reaction to gluten, it's still possible their body is reacting badly to something in wheat, even if we're not 100% sure what it is yet."

THEY DID IT!!!!!!!


I would rather have someone engage in dangerous, life-threatening behavior while supervising my children than have my kids even meet someone who, in their private life, likes to touch the wrong kind of genitalia. That's the kind of sound logic and decision making ability that makes me an excellent choice for mayor.

How do you propose to do that in Michigan in February?

"We represent cats in criminal trials"

"Yeah! I'm tired of all these self-professed behaviors being protected instead of my totally-not-self professed religion!"

We certainly do. Sometimes we contemplate it quickly, sometimes in a leisurely fashion. Sometimes we're naked in the tub. Contemplating hard.

Look, comedy is one of those sacred arenas where I think political correctness should have some flexibility. If the context, the delivery, and the joke itself are all funny and expertly executed, it doesn't really matter if it's perfectly PC. In fact, I think that sometimes humor in all of its brazen and insensitive

It's neither sad nor funny, man. It's just Zen!

I always feel uncomfortable with this topic. Yes, dynamic female characters are underrepresented in fantasy/sci-fi and I would love for that to be fixed. But I'm not sure Doctor Who is the right battleground for that.

Thats exactly the kind of mentality that lets the Reptiods operate with impunity.