
The obvious answer to this question is that we will begin to eat these insects when they are packaged in a way we find more palatable. When you eat most meat in the US it has been processed, reshaped, and made more pleasing to both the eye and the mind.

Just want to point out that this post has been liked by both TheDoctor and Dalek. That's pretty solid proof to me!

This is, without a doubt, the neatest thing I have seen all week :-)

Don't want to give it away, but it become a completely different movie the second time through.

Funny, it only took me a quick google search to find this mysterious stranger sitting in on the Beatles session. Of course, he's not wearing a fez...

Christmas special.

Om my god! Gimli?! NOOOOOOOO!

Thank you. That is a very well thought out response, and I agree that those are great reasons to make the change and are reasons I could get behind. Thank you too for understanding that I'm not opposed to change, just confused by why people are so angry about it. You have given me a lot to think about and I appreciate

Yes, see, that's an interesting idea! A powerful female lead, and an interesting story that has not been told yet. I would watch that show!

I'm not arguing against the change, I just wanted to know why people were so adamant that it needed to be done and done now or they would walk away forever, even though it's been the way it has been for 50 years. I just want to know what they feel the change will do for the show, what it will add.

Then you should have said "shouldn't have been"

If you want to produce a movie that is devoid of meaning, sure you don't need to justify it, except to the people who are funding it, playing the parts, and going to watch it. But if you truly understand the artistic process you would understand that there is always a meaning behind choices made, small or larger. Some

The point was to try to show that when one makes a major change to a well known character, questions will be asked about the reasons behind that change. I could have, and did in another reply, make the same point about Kirk in the Star Trek reboot. It was just to highlight the fact that when this change gets made,

Um, Voyager had a female captain. And I watched it regularly.

I'm fine with a female president. I voted for Clinton in the democratic primaries. And I do not have an issue with a female Doctor, in that I am not opposed to this change, just attempting to clarify people's reasons for wanting it.

What funny to me is that, while I love the show, I have never really seen the Doctor as a really positive role model. He lies, cheats, steals (I mean, that's part of the premise of the show). He turned friends in to weapons, puts them in terrible danger, and then works so hard to ignore/ forget the things he does in