
Did you read The Inexplicables? I really like her Clockwork Century series, but that last book really seemed to go off the rails for me. The ending was really anti climactic, an it just felt like she went back to the same well one time too many with Seattle. I really hope she goes back to Civil War and her new

But now it's all I can think about! Curse you dramatic irony!


Let's be honest, the real reason this pastor wants people to avoid this movie is that it is impossible to sit through it and still believe in the existence of a loving god! If god existed, he would have protected us from this!!!! (also everything Michael Bay has done)

Spiders are well known for deceit. That's why they call it a "web of lies."

Yeah, I thought it was odd that the article says it explains things when not even the subtitles are in English.

Gotcha. Rosetta Stone here I come!

This video explains everything...if you speak...Japanese?

You did not imagine this, I totally remember seeing this in school!

Nice try, we know this article was actually written by a spider! Trying to get us to let you live eh? No deal!

The goggles...they do nothing!

I’ve been to Wizard World in Chicago a few times, and to the Motor City Comic con more than a few times.

Just wait until the ladies hear about this! Look out Kirk, Riker's coming for your record!

Could not agree more. How has this not been picked up yet?

I gave up halfway through the last of the Game of Thrones books, Dance with Dragons. Martin has a tendency to have 400 pages of almost nothing, then a huge twist at the end which is just awesome enough to make me want to follow the next book, only to suffer through the same fate.

This film scared the bejezzus out of me when I was younger. Bowie's tights did not help.

This one? This one is my lunch. Cheese Omelet. What? You think I'm going to carry this and a separate lunch box? I only have two hands...

Obviously the Vorpal Blade needs some recognition. It killed the Jaberwock!