

How so?

We already have a female Obama dipshit.

FUCK I wish I was as cool as cooljames

I wouldn’t complain about a lil oxy in my morning tea

That wasn’t a pun.

You’re using “mindfulness” in a way in which it is not defined. Stop trying to brand a word.

cascade platinum works great for me and I’m a damn pig

This is a disingenuous representation of what it’s like to drive stick, which you clearly know how to do.

The instant pot is a more complicated tool than a regular pot, and I know a lot of people that can’t even prepare a meal in one of those....

Is it called Bodos?

here here!

This deal isn’t just for Lifehacker readers... I’m seeing the same deal even after sanitizing the URL.

This deal isn’t just for Lifehacker readers... I’m seeing the same deal even after sanitizing the URL.

I live in Berkeley and commute into the city and I see that highway on the daily.

you’re talking about an entirely different category of food at this point

“Did wifey have to be up with the baby at all?”

Damn dude you gotta learn to persevere. If you complain about sex in the shower I can’t imagine you’re up for much fun otherwise.

Costco has a $30 rice cooker/slow cooker/steamer unit with fuzzy logic that I’ve been using and is awesome. The box is looks stupid and I don’t like the decisions that their marketing department has made on some of the design, but it’s called the Tim3 Machin3. Great product and so reasonably priced!

I wish the game told you how well you were doing, high scores etc.