
Have you not used the hunter yet? I love it put it needs a nerf

No. There’s still a huge debate on the confederate flag over here. So no different here

I loved rage. I also played a year after it came out and also nobody programs shotguns better then ID. Shotguns in other games are all crap compared to ID games

How action packed is it? The original is one of my favorite games and it had very little combat which might turn people off on the game. I don’t want this game to be to action packed if that makes sense... what cam change the nature of a man?

Wait a game took you 25 hours to install and try to figure out how to run it? Maybe pc games are not for you

Paying off the reffs to gain a few yards was the best thing ever. Not to mention if you hit the reff right into the QB. It would say sack by referee. Sigh I miss that game

Game is ok... makes me wish so hard for a freelancer remake or part 2. Everything freelancer did was better then this game from the combat and trading. Sigh where’s freelancer!!!

Had a blast yesterday. Joined a pub match someone screams everyone go bastion and like a miracle we did. Other team didn’t rage quit to my surprise. Hearing his ultimate from others over and over I couldn’t stop loling

This game sigh. Someone for the love of God make freelancer 2 that’s all I want!

Must be a bad district. Here in northern VA all school staff have strict dress codes.

It is.. I work in D.C and the stuff I see.... people wearing almost see through white pants. The hundreds of sandles....the tats all over. The cleavage...all of them are federal workers..don’t get me started on people’s choice of hair...

I don’t want to come out as the ass here will not wearing a head scarf/head anything cause you to die? I work in D.C... I have seen many wear the most inappropriate things to work but the higher ups don’t say anything cause they are actually scared.

Hehe remember how Korea tried to make it so your online profiles had to be linked to your license to cut on trolling/harassment and the uproar over it made the gov’t stop... might not be such a bad idea to be honest

You just had to put top gun in there didn’t you! God the horrors of trying to land the plane on to the carrier after each mission brings painful flashbacks to my childhood

Sigh do you really believe what your saying? you just implied that others ( non whites ) are powerless. Do you know how annoying it is when you see a movement by a small minority/ideal/whatever be championed by whites? You just said people in power must lend a ear but implied it must be championed by them in the first

Do you have issues with games like Binding of Isaac? If not can be you any more selective in your SJW? ( I own the game and loved it but lets be real if it was any other faith the uproar and support for banning it from you SJW would have been mighty )

Your am idiot life is life. We should mourn for any wrong killings no matter the race/creed

Must have grid based singing force along with dragon force!

Smiling peanut? Wtf we’re they thinking in the U.Still peanuts are banned in all schools.

Starscream my favorite cause who didn’t like jets as a kid.