
Even considering how terrible as the incident is, and how completely at fault the driver behind is, I feel compelled to point out what an absolute idiot he is for riding without any protective equipment...

You want crazy? How about bilateral sexual dimorphism?

Separated at birth?

@DasWauto: The first lap would have to be run by a logging machine...

I suppose it is an upgrade over the built in binary state temperature display function...

Ununseptium has to be the most incredibly bland name in the whole table. Ireallycouldntbebotheredium.

@RedRaob: The real beauty of the BBC is the lack of advertising...

Reminds me of the Japanese eight-wheeled electric car. That did 230mph, if memory serves...

Dogs can contagiously yawn too...

Save the Chargers? Please don't...

Heh. It's the automotive equivalent of ordering a veggie burger with bacon.

@philaDLJ: You just need to know where to look... ;)

I'm sitting at my desk, calmly waiting, with a very nice 20-year old whiskey. It was a good life.

You want actualities? A black Cadillac Escalade. He flies out of the airport that I work at.

Given the video two posts down, is there some theme today of teeth connecting with ears?

Where's Frooch when you need him?