
Actress in a Supporting Role is disappointing.

Now playing

The F-15 test aircraft doesn't look quite so... Pinocchio-esque.

@paramount20: So you're saying that taking a well reasoned position on each topic as it arises, as opposed to blindly taking the "liberal" or "conservative" stance on every issue is stupid?

@Br1zon: Special kind ;)

@Ravennl: It's the only way to be sure.

@SuperfunkMF: Was just about to mention that! It does sound awesome.

@pauljones: I really think the angle doesn't do it any favours. I'm holding out for some quarter shots.

@JFParnell: All you have to do is flip on the proxy to log in once when it complains, and bingo - two more weeks!

@verset: Spotify isn't legally questionable...

@NanorH: It checks IP for me. I installed it before I moved over to the US, and now it gives me a notice that I'm not in my registered country.

As long as it's better than Felicia Day's "Red".

@Hoonabumper: Someone needs to remake it with an actual Ferrari...

Later, Mark realised that some of his words were unkind. As of Istanbul 2010, he has upgraded Vettel to a "young gentleman" who fucks it all up.

@redman042: Don't worry, I know a few myself. And Fosters is piss.

@redman042: I don't think you'll find many Aussies objecting to that stereotype... ;)

@Mazarin: In Amsterdam yes, but there was a good reason. It was a WWII commemoration event, and during a moment of silence, one man started screaming, and another one dropped a suitcase in the crowd. Very natural response to run away from that as fast as you can, don't you think?

@Mazarin: Your examples for Europe were 25 years ago too...