
@ttyymmnn: Tom Jones is now stuck in my head. *glares*

@Jones Foyer: The designers do keep trying, though. It might not be quite the same level as six wheels, but Mercedes' double diffuser, McLaren's F-duct, and Red Bull's blown diffuser do show that their competitive spirit is still alive - even if they know it probably won't last a year.

@Jones Foyer: Yep. The P34 along with several other notable machines sum up the one thing that gets me about the FIA's management of F1 - anything new and exciting gets banned within a season or two because someone who didn't think of it first complains...

I can understand using this for ground meat products, but wouldn't growing me a nice steak in the lab require some way of stimulating the muscle fibres to get the desired texture?

@Jones Foyer: F1 drivers who've been in it since it retired have come away raving about the grip.

@duurtlang: They could always bring this one. It has a petrol engine, albeit a long-stroke version of an F1 engine...

C'mon, Ford, bring over the big Transit...

@The Squalor and the Fury: Sorry, I misread the article and posted my question here before I realized I should have emailed it.

Interesting. Submitted.

@fate47 - meh.: Great photos. Those Tomcats must have made some noise taking off...

@Lactose_The_Intolerant: It was a bit of an overreaction on my part, I'll admit. He was saying, though, in effect, that any other country would have cared more for the lost hardware than the man.

@bowei437: Thanks for your low opinion of other nations. Ever wonder why Americans aren't the most popular abroad?

Adam, all of us commenters care about you very much, but we feel that we need to have a talk.

@Optixtruf: Relabel: Number of times Max Mosley Was Filmed in a Nazi Sex Orgy that a Tabloid Newspaper Got Its Hands On...

@ayonkers: When they peep over the top of the scanner...

@LCAWC: Manhattan-style assholes are the biggest you can get.