
@Jackie: Except that on long haul flights, the door does open when food goes in, when pilots come out for breaks, etc.

Aesthetically pleasing, yes, but as both fish and birds prefer wider and shorter enclosures, not so good for the unfortunate occupants...

Is the display a new panel, or is it the same 4.3" that HTC have been using in the HD2 and Evo? I haven't heard those complaints about viewing angle and colour before.

Leeeeeroooy Jennnnkiiiins!

@saltboy: Don't you know your basic particle physics? You have to

Looking at the last one, this scene suddenly isn't so far-fetched...

@smalleyxb122: And even earlier - the 1932 Alfa Romeo 6C 1750 Gran Turismo Compressore.

Space... seed... Colony - abandoned... Remote planet...

I'm still going with time traveller. It's logical:

@bobkoure: You've got it right. And yes, the system was self starting, even in light air.

@brickbear95: Oh, we exist, we're just not too obvious. If you want to catch us, just watch out for little things like people compulsively staying out of shadows, and not blinking around statues...

@OMGWTFBBL: The rig was actually an engineering design project I worked on a few years back to capture renewable energy, and store it in a mechanical form. I don't have a blog, or access to the project anymore, so here's a quick summary:

The power output of a wind turbine squares with the diameter, so the bigger, the better.

Third from left, the astronaut is wearing the "Wifebeater Edition" mesh model...

Good morning, gentlemen, the temperature is 110 degrees.

@philaDLJ: Hey gorgeous TSA lady, wanna check out MY Demon Core...

@Katamoran: Oh, I know. But I'll take any excuse to use this! :P