
Obvious answer? The Green Hell.

@PotbellyJoe - As seen on I-287: In addition, the interview had to be postponed two days after the man refused to fly on any airline but Qantas, despite being informed that flying with the airline would require routing via Sydney.

@Tom_Crisis: Call IRS. They'll be happy to screw you...

@bradyb: You guys don't socialize in America? Must get pretty boring...

"Now, mein Fuhrer, ze Russians have developed a new tank-train. Ve see it as major obstacle to our conquering their country."

@FrankN.Stein: And it takes a lot to stand out there - contrary to popular belief, Holland is on average the highest country in Europe.

@theTokenGreek: Kudos for mentioning them. I still think the idea of flying aircraft carriers is ridiculously cool...

@Tyson: Even disoriented, I'd see the fire as an incentive to get out, but that's just me...

I wonder how much HP will charge to host the email accounts...

Swedish beauty and a V8 beast? Nice price.

@jedchev: Ah right! Just read a bit funny, that was all!

That's terrifying. Both the criminally amateur firefighters, and her apparent inability to get out of the cockpit.

@Tossed Accord Taco Salad all over Malibu's face: The A380 can have up to 850 seats - lowball guesstimating the weight saving at 10kg per seat, that's 8500kg less deadweight to be hauling into the air every trip. The fuel savings will pay for the "luxo" trim in no time.

@Ash5-0: There was a study done (in wintry Northern climes, now) with a house's energy usage before and after energy-saving bulbs were put in. It turned out replacing the bulbs increased the bill - the CFLs gave off far less heat, which meant the heating system had to kick in more often.

@jedchev: Closest to Nice Price? So you've voted CP on everything?

@Michael McFarlane: Oh yes. I love it because it doesn't try to copy European design norms, or do the overpriced "modified" look, like the GT-R, or have the smug technical superiority complex of the LF-A.