Maybe if ford had focused on some smaller cars, with say a 3 cyl 1 liter engine, then they could offset those v8 emissions and we could have a fiesta celebrating that v8 goodness.
Maybe if ford had focused on some smaller cars, with say a 3 cyl 1 liter engine, then they could offset those v8 emissions and we could have a fiesta celebrating that v8 goodness.
They call it AI because it plays defense like Allen Iverson.
I played enough of 2K20 to know that it has absolutely atrocious AI (both player teammate and opposing team), a greedy microtransaction system that would be ugly in a free-to-play mobile game and is downright disgusting in a full-priced AAA title, and an online community that ranges between “toxic” and “if we get hit…
So many iconic FSJ grilles and they went with a squished Grand Cherokee. A shame.
Interior: A+++
100,000 dollars for this?! HahahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahahahhahahahhaaahhahahhahahhahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahahhahaFord Expeditionhahahahahahahhahahahhahahahahahhahahahah
I think you’ll find it to be the other way around - iOS is a lot easier to use, but it’s also a lot more limiting in how much direct control you have over apps.
If only Apple users, both on iOS and MacOS, could easily log into Kinja while using Safari without “Disabling Cross-Site Tracking” as was recommended to me by Kinja Tech Support on Twitter. Because disabling securing settings is always a good recommendation to make.
Seems an odd choice that a device designed for taking notes and emulating a paper experience would sell the stylus separately. Who would buy one without the stylus?
I’ve read your whole review and I still don’t understand why something like this even exists. Who actually uses this on a daily basis? It doesn’t seem like it’s a particularly good e-reader, and using e-ink to take notes seems like a solution in need of a problem.
Question: Which Bush administration? LOL.
Then Mitsubishi must be It’s like Nissan, but for people with no credit.
This further supports the old adage about Nissan...
I own two guns. It's a priveledge afforded to me by law. But it makes me sick watching the Republicans this week using fear of guns being taken away for political gain, when the obvious response is to just look at this shit that happens over and over and over again.
New Zealand gun collector activists, it wasn’t politicians who took your guns away. It was this terrorist. He ruined it for everyone. In the US, the guns should have been taken away generations ago after massacres in Texas, decades apart. But we have a suicidal vow to reward gun collectors after one of them abuses his…
The “leak” may be manufactured, but the development of the vehicle is likely real.
No, they are even worse and more evil corporations that pay workers shit and the cars are shit and you never know if you are actually going to get picked up on time or if they know how to work a GPS.
Ah yes, those wonderful regular taxis, driven by someone who is highly trained in english, often comfortable and nicely-air freshened modern cars never used by cops, complete with free drinks and mints, and always with a modern and efficient payment system.