According to Wikipedia, he went to Liberty University, produced a Christian rap album for DC Talk, and was a part time cop. Even before these allegations, that would be a helluva “shady white dude” trifecta.
According to Wikipedia, he went to Liberty University, produced a Christian rap album for DC Talk, and was a part time cop. Even before these allegations, that would be a helluva “shady white dude” trifecta.
Yeah... bought the original Kishi a few weeks back b/c it was discounted on Amazon, and it barely fits my Moto G Stylus even without a case (squeezes so hard that it leaves semi-permanent rubber marks on the phone). Some more modularity / flexibility would have been very much appreciated.
The company is reprehensible, but I have to ask what the fuck have the Teamsters leaders been doing? I’m sure their nice offices in DC have AC.
As others have pointed out, “rare earths” are not rare, and the US has plenty of it. It’s just that it is incredibly expensive and dirty to extract if you have any environmental standards.
Sigh. I’m trying desperately to be sympathetic, but when opinion mongers on the Internet get super offended about a relatively minor, obviously pandering bit of media in a world of Roe being overturned, Trump and his Maga cronies plotting to steal the next election, Russian aggression, etc., I can kind of understand…
So we’re all gonna give a pass to the douchebags like Mr Surita over there who basically robbed the gas station and told everyone else about it, then came back multiple times to fill up again, and got a guy who made an innocent mistake fired? Just because they’re unhappy about the high gas prices we’re all paying and…
Honestly now that regular luxury cars / SUVs and even pickups are regularly approaching and exceeding $100k, what’s $2.5mm?
Of course she’s moving on from the Skywalker Trilogy. What more is there left for her to destroy?
Some of the fandom are toxic crybabies AND the sequel trilogy is terrible garbage. Both things can be true.
All you “snitches get stitches” idiots grow the fuck up. The moral depravity of the current American economy doesn’t justify effectively stealing from a local business owner.
Right. EWR is my main airport, and I travel internationally in and out of there all the time. smh
I’m a fan of a lot of Apple hardware, but for mouse and keyboard I personally swear by the Logitech MX Keys / Master series. I can’t deal with Magic Mouse levels of “form over function” BS when it comes to input devices.
In a vacuum and in the early days of the pandemic when there was a chance of nipping the virus in the bud, China’s (and Asia’s) zero covid approach was the more sensible and arguably humane one vs. the more cavalier approach of the US and EU. But now that we have superior mRNA vaccines, a variety of treatment options,…
I think this is a good approach. Just explicitly say this is a different continuity, so people don’t get upset about narrative changes, character changes, etc. I mean it’s always implied anyway, but explicitly talking about it like this may help fend off unnecessary debates.
I think an illustration would serve the same purpose, without causing a debate about taking old hardware out of circulation.
It is very expensive being poor.
I’m sorry, but this is a really bad take Erin. These thieves are hurting other people, many of whom are suffering.
His correction was entitled and rude and I don’t think you should apologize, Ed. Thanks for the great post.
Hey you want remote work? Then show the fuck up on time to your zoom meeting like a professional and accept the fact that there will be tools for tracking your attendance just like if you were in person. You can’t demand flexibility and then get all pissy about the bare minimum of responsibility or tools to replicate…