
Man, I love me some minivans and would kill to have something like the Delica or the Toyota Alphard (HK rollers’ choice) in the US, but I agree with you. I couldn’t get my wife to agree on a minivan for years until we finally had 3 kids and she caved. The Pacifica is technically HER car but I love it when I drive it

What in the holy fuck is this nonsense? 

Agreed. Then again, this is the same company that went from understandable numbers (Windows 1, 2, 3, 3.1, 3.11) to a still understandable year-based naming scheme (Windows 95, Windows 98) to nonsensical letters (XP) and names (Vista) back to numbers (7, 8) then skipped a number just because (10). Of course Apple is

Most of my gaming gift memories are pretty good - the worst thing I remember is Top Gun for the NES. My parents only bought me and my brother one game every six months (which was still pretty awesome of them given we were a lower income immigrant family) and that was the one they got us that Christmas. The music was

He got you what you wanted AND taught you a lesson about dealing with disappointment. Classic awesome dad move. :)

These portraits are making America great again. 80s great. 

I love me some Torch content (and you David, and Kristen Lee, and frankly most of Jalopnik) but I hope he got a better editor this time because I bought one of his early/mid 2010s books and I found the typos and grammatical errors that I would ignore in a Jalopnik blog post HIGHLY distracting in a book format.

Mad props. Seriously. I think I got through the first level once. 

I generally agree with your substantive points, and people who take their “my pets are my children” shtick too literally annoy me a bit, but maybe your rant on an obviously sarcastic article was not a great look.

When I was 25 I would have thought this was cool as hell. As a 40+ year old father of three little kids I say fuck these selfish, entitled, public endangering pricks.

I wouldn’t mind having my biometrics and facial recognition data in the hands of the feds if it meant I didn’t have to get a new goddamn license every time I move to a new state. Time for a national ID. 

Classic Square storytelling issues. Lots of great pieces but the way they weave them together is too convoluted or half assed (everyone has amnesia!). I still have very fond memories of FFVIII though.


I would love it if someone found a pristine Pontiac Trans Sport (the official minivan of LGTBQ+ famlies everywhere!) and did an LS swap on it. It would be a “Why Tho?” death trap but I would love that it exists.

I had a Subaru WRX STI pick me up once in Uber. Was a fun ride from Menlo Park to SFO. Traffic was cooperative. 

All sound advice, but honestly 3-4 years is being really generous. Most Android manufacturers stop after 1-2 years. My Galaxy S7 that I bought at launch stopped getting updates after 18-24 months.

I’d love to do that, but usually when I’m calling an Uber or Lyft it’s cuz I have somewhere to be post haste. :)

Right - most of the times when I have to cancel, it’s the driver refusing to show up but also not canceling the ride on their side b/c it hits their rating or something. In that case I will invariably ask for a refund.

Vastly underrated comment