
You earned my star.

There’s the collusion the American people who don’t eat their steaks well done have been looking for

While Obama never really implemented a Black economic agenda, he implemented enough generic ones to reverse the sliding trends that resulted from the 2008 crash. By reversing these trends, wealth is being gained across the board (most of the new wealth going to the rich). Trump is only successful in not killing the

I can’t give you enough stars. Right now, our kids only learn about money from hip-hop videos.

Please, please, please... don’t quote Chris Cillizza anymore.

I like the required 7-week summer school and food programs. It’s a shame that these things don’t get implemented everywhere because cities keep slashing the corporate tax rates. Therefore, these programs keep getting cut.

I remember when liberals were swooning over Mr. Avenatti. There was even talk of a presidential bid for him. The left is so hungry for a fighter, that some of us were willing to turn to the pornstar lawyer for leadership. SMH.  I don’t know how to fix this... :(

ate to the point of stupefaction

Whoopi should have let them fight.

You are not grasping the full context of my previous statement and left out the part:

I understand your frustration. Just realize that it is part of the Democratic playbook to placate progressives and POC’s with promises and not deliver. When it comes to actual policy, the established Dem’s and Republicans don’t differ that much. However, one party doesn’t act like bigots in the process.

I happily voted for Obama twice. Facts. I think he is the best President, ever. But...

Getting rid of the filibuster is a bad idea, in my opinion.

I love this story.

Please fix the title of the article.

You guys are seriously going to repeat the characterization of SuperPACs by a white, male Dubya fundraiser verbatim and not challenge it at all? This is journalistic malpractice.

I remember that silly Root article and I also responded the last time with this:

You beat me to it.  Good job.