
Once I found it, it was so obvious I can’t believe I didn’t see it right off.

Of course there will!

“Mr. Trump, we have a tremendous opportunity here. Clinton’s on her heels a bit from this email thing - let’s really hit the fact that the FBI director, who is credible and known for unimpeachable integrity, said that she was ‘careless,’ ok? It goes with our ‘judgment’ theme.”


Now playing

Here’s the thing that people miss- there’s an entire generation- scratch that, generations - that are growing up and have grown up with the prequels as an intrinsic part of their Star Wars vocabulary. There’s countless fans out there- not just hardcore crazies, but fans from all walks of life- who’s childhood memories

You should definitely stop using the watch. Your doing something wrong and/or there is something wrong with your watch. I wake up in the morning, put on my watch, and type in the passcode, check the temperature/weather forecast w/o even thinking about it. I then make regular use of it all day, again w/o thinking about

It can have manual locks and windows for all i care, as long as it has autopilot.