
Don’t forget they’re also anti-LGBT families! Well, except when it comes to their own.

I was trying to think of the word to describe those photos and it is basic - she came off an assembly line of trophy wifes.

Fuck D&G

How fitting. Dolce and Gabbana avoiding taxes in paying their fair share, supporting another for doing the very least to pay theirs

I don’t think she’s going to push him at all. She has a few very friendly pics with him on social media where they look chummy. She’s trying to stir up crap and ratings with this interview, but I guarantee she’s not going to push back on him too hard. She may look at him quizzically, but she’s too much of a coward to

I think “don’t give him a platform” is an excellent argument. Yes, he already has a platform. But that’s as good a reason as any not to give him a further platform. He already has one, why should he get more? Yes, the White House may have given him a press credential, but that’s reason to criticize the White House,

This was my first thought. He’s already famous enough, hopefully she will grill the everloving fuck out of him. But I kind of doubt it. This is in line with the current “journalists must cover all ‘sides’ of the issue” rather than telling the goddamn truth. And that’s why Captain Shitbag is now the president.

There is nothing wrong with giving fringe lunatics a prime time platform to spew their paranoid hate speech without challenging them on their bullshit. After all, the “fake news” gets a half hour every single night of the week. /s


Oh yeah this is what a happy normal family looks like.

Fuck, it must be awful to have such a terrible father.

You know, I honestly don’t think there’s enough money in the world to make up for being raised by someone like Trump.

By virtue of being born to Trumpkin, he’s already richer than you or I will ever be and will have many, many opportunities that most of us would only dream of. And chances are he won’t grow up to be any better than Donald Jr. or Eric. In fact, having him grow up seeing his dad skewered by the left will probably make

Infuriating because we all know it’s true.

“The Predisent is new at this. He’s new to the truth, and so he probably wasn’t steeped in the long-running protocols that establish the relationships between reality, honesty, and accountability. He’s just new to this.”

“In America, we don’t worship government. We worship God.”

I never knew that either. But the more I read about him, the more I can see why Ivanka married him. He comes from a line of grifters just like she does, and soon you’ll have the Kushner-Trump axis of crime amounting to ten million pounds of sludge from New York and New Jersey.

There was some article where she discussed her role in the Syria strike by saying something like “I gave my opinion like everyone else, and then he acted.” And I wanted to scream “NO, WHY ARE YOU GIVING YOUR OPINION!!! YOU HAVE ABSOLUTELY NO EXPERIENCE IN MILITARY OR DIPLOMATIC AFFAIRS!!!”

Fuck her. After he completely ignored her advice on Paris, an issue about which she is supposedly passionate, she was reported to have just let it roll off her back and moved on. If she actually had an ounce of integrity, she’d have resigned whatever the fuck her position is in the White House. It is obvious that her

The terrifying thing is that we’ve come to the point that even “progressives” are desperately clinging to the idea that the President of the United States will make a major decision impacting the whole world on the advice of his daughter. An ex-model who puts her name on cheap clothes for a living.