
No, they are they HGTV folks who are secret bible thumpers and belong to a church that hates the gays, but they don’t talk about that. Also, he thinks he’s fricken hilarious.

Seriously. I was so disappointed in their non-response to the homophobia accusations.

Fixer Uppers has one thing going for it and it’s Joanna’s talent. She is smart, has a design aesthetic that I like, and knows how to run a tight ship.

If you’ve ever been stuck listening to That One Guy who insists on telling you about his “craziest antics”, you know that he is pretty much overselling himself.

He is literally everything the GOP claims to hate.

I apologize for our cunt of a president and we’ve def already fucked everyone else, so telling us to fuck ourselves is more than fair. We’re doing so, if it’s of any comfort.

I really appreciate you giving us insight as to what’s going on in Ol’ Blighty. My job is based out of the U.K., so I’m really worried about the safety of my friends.

“The Intercept published a full transcript of the “very friendly” April phone between Donald Trump and his strongman crush Rodrigo Duterte”

I am not surprised that UK authorities are questioning sharing any information with the US. I am surprised that someone, anyone still thinks sharing information with the US is still a good idea.

They had a Dolce & Gabbana shoot immediately following the visit

They look like Sicilian mob widows.

It was a thing before Vatican II, but no longer required. And again, it was for attending Mass, not some state visit. So stupid.

It’s the papal dress code for a private meeting, but they are going very very old school. Even Pope Francis has said that the dress code for meeting him can be more relaxed. Michelle Obama wore a black dress and veil when meeting the pope in a private audience, and the Queen does too.

I grew up Catholic and have been to mass given by the Pope at the Vatican; I have never heard of or seen this black veil thing.

Nonas dress like that when they go to mass, but this wasn’t mass. So it’s kind of insulting that they played dress up.

a compassion that is balanced

No, his job needs to be forced to pay him a living wage.

Mick Mulvaney seems to take an unholy amount of glee in peddling shameless propaganda plus outright lies on behalf of the New Feudalism.

Tell me about it.

“Donald Trump released his budget proposal, a heartless document laughingly called, “A New Foundation for American Greatness.”