
A) fuck off b) no shit it’s happening, my useless hope has to do with it fucking changing something. C) stop being such a dick. You could have told me to be hopeful or something but instead you read about me being physically sick to my stomach and you decided to be a major ass. Am I somehow more worthy of your ‘tude

She was a victim of domestic violence. This was really flippant. Don’t tell care about his ordeal.

where does the money go to? Can it go to like planned parenthood or something?

If I ever win Powerball I might move back, because that would be the only way I could afford it.

We call that Freedom Foam.

My wife and I had to seek out Dr. Hern’s services about 5 years ago.

White America- Where a woman who drinks is asking to get raped but a man who drinks is the victim when he tries to kill someone.

The tone of this article is rude as fuck. It ends with the suggestion that your friend would want a vape because it’s cultural shorthand for asshole. I would be more than glad to suggest to you some really great artisan vegan cheese options and other stuff that your family would enjoy though.

This. I don’t expect people to cater to my inability to break down certain foods, and always either eat before I go or pack something for myself UNLESS I’m explicitly told they *are* making something I can eat. I give a huge amount of props to my sister because she always makes sure I can eat whatever she’s serving

THANK YOU. I was that exact person - I struggled for years with digestive problems that no one could diagnose, and had gotten so bad that I had developed severe anxiety and agoraphobia and had to be medicated to get out my door in the mornings. I finally found a gastroenterologist that had me do the FODMAP diet for

Yeah, after fighting Lyme disease for 2 years and ruining my intestines with antibiotics, I don’t need friends who are giggling at me or consider me a pain in the ass. Don’t invite people if you’re not happy to have them there. By the way it’s not always allergies, sometimes it’s FODMAP which is malabsorption and can

So, a list of passive aggressive gifts you could give your friend to prove that you’re a selfish asshole who cares too much about how other people live their lives?

Let’s split the difference and agree that the flight attendant is an idiot without insulting people based on their professions.

You legit think creating that show is a one day a week job? That’s cute.

Yeah. Wish they’d leave the guns at home, but... *shrug*.

Not “had sex with an unconscious woman behind a dumpster”, he “RAPED an unconscious woman behind a dumpster”.

Well, I can’t approve of this sort of thing.

I'm all for the protest but they should leave their guns at home.

The best part is when people complain that you talk too much about what you eat, when in actuality it's other people who won't shut up and stop asking you about it. Or when they act like it's so hard to feed you. Someone once cut up a bell pepper and placed it in front of me for dinner. Seriously.