
“ paid 40 percent of its earnings to a traffic company that ran the unmanned speed camera system...”

I just tweeted the same pic. That face killed me, because it is all of us.

I love Bobby Moynihan.

Bobby Moynihan’s horror face as Glenn Thrush is just me everyday now.

Every once in a while, Lorne Michaels uses his powers for good. Don’t think that he isn’t actively looking for ways to get under Trump’s skin a little more each week (and bless him for it).

or Sanders - duh?

As long as this continues, I will always bring this up:


General strike. Shut EVERYTHING down. We cannot let this go any further. Everyone in the streets. See you there!

That is how facists gain power. They count on everyone being polite and giving them equal time/opportunity to build their platform and then next thing you know they’re the 45th President of the United States.

NO. As someone German may I just say no. This isn’t how it works. Believe me when I tell you Germany is a country extremely familiar with the ramifications of free speech.

My late grandparents survived the Holocaust, so the fact that stories like this are still happening today is surreal if not entirely surprising. But I must admit I find the handwringing over whether or not it’s OK to punch Nazis to be kinda sickening. Dude believes that all non-whites should be removed from America in

The puncher is truly the Indiana Jones of our time.

Violence is never the answer.

Punching Nazis shouldn’t be illegal. It’s a goddamn American pastime, ffs.

If the guy who punched him gets arrested I will gladly donate to a fund to pay his bail. That guy is the hero we need right now.

Seeing both couples so much in the past few days has driven something home: There is much joy in the Obamas; there is very little in the Trumps.

Good thing this isn’t a legit mainstream news site.