Unless “Counciled” = “Fired” its an inadequate response. But now we may consider Spicer an accomplice.
Unless “Counciled” = “Fired” its an inadequate response. But now we may consider Spicer an accomplice.
or Sanders - duh?
I agree - if we could just put this guy in jail for even promoting the idea of a racially “pure” state, then we would not have to sneak up and punch him in the face.
Teddy Roosevelt’s Long Horse
and it may burn up the economy for everybody all over again
Good. Trump next.
I suspect that the outrage is that Comey decided that re-opening up the question of Clinton’s emails was worthy, while revealing that Trumpo was powned by Russia was not.
All this just proves what a shit candidate Clinton was, and how fucking stupid the Dems were for supporting her/letting it be “her turn”. It would have been president sanders right now but for the Democrats. Idiots.
not only did he drop kick the guy off his scooter and retrieve his phone, he did the entire thing with his cigarette in his mouth.
Ohhhh, I think there’s going to be some carpet burn after that drag.
Thats good. Now how about an investigation and punishment for those that abused the protestors. Its not enough to be right - I want justice.
After this Taiwan stunt, if Obama decided to organize a coup d’état, I think I’d be ok with that.
Fuck him
‘cause he casted to make america great agained.
only if I could do something to vote against this guy...
I did not read this - who the fuck cares.
Wow, Hillary really kicked the shit out him..
Your container of ice cubes is more than enough of a gauge for this. If cubes are intact you know power stayed on or outages were short., Single slab of ice? then everything melted. Partial melt-down will leave small cubes piled on shallow slab, usually all frozen back together.
So god killed his dog, and his chance at for VP. He must not have been good enough.