yeah, that's her, without the funy lips? No?
yeah, that's her, without the funy lips? No?
No, not scare them away - just scare them. So you could be sure they were scared when they died.
How could he take up the Batman role without the ninja training. He'd soon get is ass kicked.
thank you for correcting me
yes - pepper RPG here we come
I thought she was whatsername liza duku?
hmmm, no laser sight?
If curiosity out-lives its main mission, as the other rovers have, is there any contingent goals, locations rove to, science to conduct that has been laid out?
dunnit matter. It was more of a bookpocalypse anyway.
yuh. Too much action, not enough robots. I was disappointed . .
I like the way after the one tendril touches the ground, and the charge runs back up to the cloud, it just hangs there and throbs for a while, all that juice pulsing through the plasma..!
My coverage has not been as low as $200/month for well over 10years. Perphaps location has something to do with it, but I doubt it. Cheers.
think its a typo - read "right or left" a good excuse to post this way cool video clip of lightning in super slow motionn
Liberals think your complaints are funny too. Just sayin.
Ok, so some procedures you wait longer than you do in the US. In exchange everybody has healthcare, you can change jobs without fear of loosing healthcare, if you are a startup you can stick your neck out without loosing your healthcare, and generally more people receive well health care and it prevents people who sit…
yeah, so why don't those rich folk just let up on us poor folk already... already been done. SNL All Drug Olympics
Ehh, I don't think there is a lot of truth to that. Here is a first hand experience:
no, it does not.