
Yo DK, I put that together for under $60,0000:

They were on their way to runway 03L and missed left hand turn. The building that was hit is the first one with the white top. When you've been cruising along airports for a long time without incident it's easy though not excusable to forget how much wingspan you have.

Fender bender?

... can't really expect anyone from a country younger than some Czech breweries to get it right... can we?

I am confuse because I received neither email or bacon.

Meanwhile in America:

"A little thing that can turn into anything at anytime."

If I may...

Also recommended if you have a little driver that won't get out of a car.

Yeah, well, InBev also owns Stella, which is the European Bud, piss taste and all.

Or this, which i must say tastes fucking good!

Wesvleteren XII
Managed to get my hands on a badge:-)

I tell my Budweiser-drinking friends that Bud is actually closer to sake rather than beer. Not a popular opinion here in Georgia where America is all about NASCAR, Jesus and Budweiser, in that order.

Q: Why is Budweiser like sex in a canoe?

But the original Budweiser is czech.

Now playing

Here's a shot of it turning off as the garage door closes.

Now playing

Once in the attic, I found a central location to mount the LED. If your garage is like mine, you've got boxes full of items that have LEDs in them. I found a nice one that worked at 3V and had the added bonus of being a multi-color LED that cycles through its color every few seconds. This makes it stand out and you

To get the signal upstairs, I patched into an unused telephone line. Our house is wired for two lines and while we don't currently have a landline, this hack wouldn't prevent us from adding one.

Originally, I was using a battery for power because I didn't really want this building code violation plugged into the wall, but it only lasted about a month and I found myself keeping the garage door closed just so I could save the battery.

First, I fabricated a heavy-duty switch. It is similar to a clothespin. When the door is open, as seen here, the clothespin is in it's normal state and the circuit is closed. When the door closes, it pushes the switch and breaks the connection. The door closes right along the pencil lines drawn on the header.

There's been a lot of talk about garage doors. I too was interested in controlling and monitoring my garage door through my phone and/or tablet. However, a lot of the solutions I found were kludgy, overly elaborate, or expensive for what I really needed to do. The main thing I wanted was to know if I had left the