German daytime tv is even worse.... Harz IV receivers need entertainment, too.
I’d have coitus in there if I had to... Just sayin’...
Looking at your fridge’s handle... either that fridge is holding and cooling the victory-beers of your fought battles in the garage, or you’re single...
Flew with a 3 year and a 1 year old who was teething and just started walking ca. 9 hrs to Frankfurt, Germany from Chicago.
I’ll buy it... I mean it! I even liked the 5xxGT, but only with the M Sports Package.
I love them! I agree with everything written here . The sound is awesome, and so is the NC.
I love them! I agree with everything written here . The sound is awesome, and so is the NC.
But if you add vodka to it... 😊
How about Ginger Beer?
Costco uses Nitrogen to fill your tires. Shouldn’t that be reason enough to use t? Or to become a Costco member?
This happened at 5am.
His name is Justin Bieber... Bieber. Like German for beaver, godammit!
Looks like my typical overpriced Orange Theory Workout.
Actual Cash Value:
Why a house in Milan?
Das ist scheisse
Du pisst pipi