It looks that good, because you have a pilot and a videographer: they connect both. One flies the copter, the other one controls the camera.
It looks that good, because you have a pilot and a videographer: they connect both. One flies the copter, the other one controls the camera.
German daytime tv is even worse.... Harz IV receivers need entertainment, too.
I’d have coitus in there if I had to... Just sayin’...
Looking at your fridge’s handle... either that fridge is holding and cooling the victory-beers of your fought battles in the garage, or you’re single...
Flew with a 3 year and a 1 year old who was teething and just started walking ca. 9 hrs to Frankfurt, Germany from Chicago.
I’ll buy it... I mean it! I even liked the 5xxGT, but only with the M Sports Package.
I love them! I agree with everything written here . The sound is awesome, and so is the NC.
I love them! I agree with everything written here . The sound is awesome, and so is the NC.
But if you add vodka to it... 😊
How about Ginger Beer?
Costco uses Nitrogen to fill your tires. Shouldn’t that be reason enough to use t? Or to become a Costco member?
Awwwwe... the good ol’ times, ey Mann ey!
This happened at 5am.
His name is Justin Bieber... Bieber. Like German for beaver, godammit!
Looks like my typical overpriced Orange Theory Workout.
Actual Cash Value:
Why a house in Milan?
Das ist scheisse
Du pisst pipi