
“A satirical video produced recently by ZDF, a publicly funded broadcaster, captured some of this sentiment.”

BMW e90 328iX Oil Pan Gasket! Note the X! Different than the non-AWD

Use a 24hr clock then! ;)

Came here to write how stupid this article is! Thanks, bye!

In Germany that’s actually the 8th of February, 2005! They use DD/MM/YYYY ;)

Is my math correct and you’re 27?

I can’t pee with morning wood

Please someone explain: .2sec? That’s easily an measurement issue or a fart in China which causes this deviation.


I hate doing math in a car

I think I paid $80 for MyQ and the whole shebang. If you like to tinker, that’s a nice project. If you just want remotely open/ close your garage door buy the MyQ

Die Autostadt, bitte!

Once I bought this I will finally be able to explore all Starbucks locations in the deep suburban jungle...

It is August and a 100 degrees outside and you show pictures of two cars playing the snow?

You mean, like a short-bus with wings?

Technically it makes sense: it contains a flame retardant: brominated vegetable oil, or BVO.

I like the one where they’re sitting around a table being amazed that only Chevy sells in-car wifi, so they can hook up their iphones to the car’s wifi to pay an additional $100 a month to surf on Instagram, because why not?!