Dude, didn't they tell you not to put iOS8 on your phone?
Dude, didn't they tell you not to put iOS8 on your phone?
Well.... NO thanks
Have you ever been to Germany? Or do you just read blogs to come to your conclusion?
Manufacturer's corporate name: Koenigsegg Auotmotive AB
The STIG doesn't get icebucketed, but the Icebucket gets STIGged!
Another touché.
Vauxalls are rebranded Opels, but touche, they're American then... Not british.
I am always amused to see that Britons have German police cars, which are being built in the US. Well, are there any british-not-owned-by-Germans large volume car manufacturers left?
Not high-tech, but excellent Marketing. *cough*
What would Staplerfahrer Klaus say?
you mean "their", otherwise your sentence makes no fuckin' sense
Didn't 60 Minutes do a report on Lamborghini yesterday...?
'Eutschland, Fick ja!
This looks like a HUD to me! I love my HUD.
Airwolf did it first!
So what the fuck are the Bayerns thinking?
A spoiler for the spoiler? Niihiiice....