
@...And i'm a Snake.: Mini is owned by BMW, so I doubt VW would have put one of the competitors engines in there.

@ImSpartacus: Well, since it is an igloo it is made for the Antarctica or North-pole, where it is cold. Thus you want it to be warm inside, no? DUH! I know, it is early... ;)

I found the real white iPhones...

@PastyFace: The Envy-Series comes with an extra year warranty. They are higher quality than their crap line.

@Weakskills: Nope, if it would be mine you'd only see my breakfast on the glass floor.

@Hearthatvoiceagain is still waiting for Andy: When I went skydiving I was less scared to look 14000ft down out of the open door of a Cessna, than standing on the glass balcony of the Sears Tower in Chicago... Maybe it was the parachute which made me feel save.

@Ronaldo: That's why iOS now supports multi-tasking!

Bummer that those are illegal in most places. At least in Europe.

@JacK Aisher: Yes, look at this line-up for tonight. And they all started with vinyl:

@JacK Aisher: DJs who mix in clubs already have shown that they can mix, that's why clubs use CDJs as well. I get your point. And as I stated before, isn't it a PITA to carry vinyl all over the world?

@notverycreative: Well, 65mph on flat water, which I do not expect on those waters. Oh, and don't forget Godzilla!

@JacK Aisher: It is not the sound which makes the difference, it is that you actually control the medium directly. And since CDJs are digital it doesn't need any skills to mix them, to be honest.

I wonder how long it would take with a jet ski?

Isn't that a rumor since years? I have two of those already, and since they'll last forever...

@Firesphere: All you need is a normal PC. The specs mentioned in the article are not actually needed. A buddy of mine runs OS X on a netbook, which is way slower than the system above.

Now playing

@A.Jaswal: OK, but only because it's you and as long you mean short films like this one!: