
Focus ST?

Everyone here is missing the point. Sheesh.

What a stupid, backwoods, “this is NOT the kind of thing Michigan needs,” assessment from a bunch of administrators who couldn’t think their way out of a paper bag. Way to go ROSEVILLE!

Id that’s all it takes, how do the bags not leak all over the place during shipping and storage?

I’m actually kind of impressed that they were able to successfully get their missle(s) to their target correctly.

Nope. You mixed it up. But a used Ninja for $2500. (Assuming you don’t fuck it up), if you don’t like it you sell it for $3K.

Prevent a pandemic? Why the heck do we want to do that??? We NEED a good pandemic. It’s how we get the human population in check.

And having it in a half hour

Wow... prefer the 200C? THAT’S saying something.

Sheesh... it didn’t even catch my eye in this article.

So I think the bigger opportunity is for shops that repair broken units. Imagine I have a... let’s just say... Audi S8 with LED headlamps and something happens to one of them but not the other. It’s a sad when my only viable decision is to not only head to Walmart for the stupid halogen unit to replace the broken one,

Boy... I can’t imagine what kind of amazing automotive advancements we’d have today if what is good enough for Chevy was our yardstick of success.

I just got an S8 with that motor in it. It’s a FAST car especially for it’s size. Not surprised how well the RS 6 did.

Eh let ‘em go. They are the whiniest state and have been for decades.

All of this is exactly what I would expect to see at this event.

That car in the picture is a 924 (which shared more than a minor resemblance on the outside to the 944). If you didn’t like the 944 you REALLY wouldn’t like the 924... it made the 944 look good.

Welcome to Amazon Go. We’re building a whole new generation of shoppers! Here’s how it works. You come into the store to shop. Shop. Go to any shelf and lift things off into your bag. Lift. Shop... and lift. Shop and lift. Shop. Lift. Shop. Lift. It’s super easy and uber convenient. Well strike uber... VERY

I don’t understand why we let people who commit crimes like this continue to live

That’s why hillbillies will always be hillbillies. I think they’re fine with that, so I don’t even think that’s meant to be insulting to them. Their “priorities” are very different from most other peoples... at least hillbillies like this. I’m actually kinda impressed that they actually got the tree to fall on the

This is so unfortunate... sorry Ccapx. It does raise the awareness of this issue of responsibility of who you leave your car with. I hope Bob Hindson is suable for this... Ccapx deserves to end up with a NEW GT3 RS spec’d the same way (if that’s even possible). In addition, he deserves something NICE to drive along