
I really don’t understand, pending legislation or not, how Ferrari corporate cannot have an official statement explaining how the company prevents odometer fraud, even if only in a general way. All they’ve done by essentially saying “No Comment” is to leave every reader with the thought that it IS possible to commit

Well that’s great. Don’t name the manufacturers that have this problem so we can CONTINUE to exacerbate the problem and screw the new owners of the cars. Smart.

Phaeton V8...

Yup... more shady maneuvering by the Chrysler Corporation. Of course this is a low volume car even with a cheaper price than the other two. My GL550 while having less horsepower has more torque and those sell in significant numbers. I’m happy Dodge has made this SUV, but there’s still just a certain amount of

YUP. This formula is a good one that actually applies all over the place. Of course the point HERE is that disaster will more quickly ensue because it’s got 707 horsepower, and its a Dodge so it should be seriously falling apart on it’s own right at that point...

If we’re going for impossibly cheap why not $5K? or $2K? or less! You can’t build a regulations meeting Volkswagen in the US for $10K... even if you cheat on emissions to save money. Volkswagen just spent BILLIONS of dollars to prove this very point!

So I don’t want to hurt your feelings about this... but as much as I like this car, it’s just not a Beetle

So I love it... BUT... get rid of that space eating gas tank and instead have an external tank mounted to the roof.

DOZENS? Let’s not get ahead of ourselves here...

A relative cruise control limit is how it (and all other radar-based cruise systems work). The beauty here is that I drive 5 over and when I enter a new limit zone I have to always manually adjust to keep that 5 over rule. The Tesla would be able to do that itself. This feature I like.

Honestly... I was SHOCKED at how few sensors Tesla had in their first gen hardware. There are so many good sensors commercially available at a reasonable cost and different types that each have specific advantages for different conditions (exactly like this one). Those would have had no trouble identifying that white

Not all the sensors are impaired or impaired the same way in different conditions. Consider the “sensors” the driver has... two eyes, two ears, and vibration. Our computer (brain) is very powerful... but distractable. It also is “programmed” based on how we learned to drive, and what our brain considers important. I

Sure there is. Quit Facebook.

Was there ANYTHING in this video that made you think intelligence?

What a ridiculous reply... turkey fryer... OBVIOUSLY this is the MORNING!!! The Turkey Fryer is for LUNCHTIME! Mobile Lunch! Mmmm.

I know we’re always learning etc., but I thrilled to know this now that we’ve followed the guidelines that just went 180 and BOTH my daughters have severe nut allergies.

Oh... is that what cars are going to look like this year? I guess now I can skip NAIAS.

Ok... so I’m going to quote an article written yesterday. “Not every device needs to be smart. Do you really want your toaster texting you when your bread burns?” Wait a minute... that was a GIZMODO ARTICLE! WAIT A MINUTE... THAT WAS YOU THAT WROTE IT!”

So I have never seen such agreement for an article as I have for this one. Yes... fuck you Griffin for wasting your talent on this... and I really mean that... and the same to the person who agreed that their toast gets accidentally nuked “too often” because they’re too stupid to check BASIC SETTINGS ON A TOASTER. I

and they rescued this idiot?!?