
That doesn’t mean a remote couldn’t be an optional extra. In the early days of TV a remote wasn’t as “necessary” as it is today. You also didn’t pocket your TV like you do your phone. The watch IS a nice functional way to remotely use your phone so you don’t have to pull it out or find it all the time. Ironically,

8 Million Dollars

All I can say is wow. You found some stories from some VERY credible news reporting agencies that have something bad to say about Apple. You seem to not grasp the idea that this Samsung recall didn’t happen because one or two Note7's caught fire... the whole point is the SCOPE of the problem... which because it’s the

Samsung doesn’t think it’s funny? Well... like the fact that Samsung thought they’d fixed their exploding Note7... they’re wrong.

Yup. Microsoft bought their way into the NFL with money, not quality, performance, or innovation. That’s the Microsoft way. The NFL is all about the money, not the integrity of the game. It’s all pathetic. It’s all part of the reason I gave up on the NFL. Microsoft and the NFL deserve each other. Sadly, the players,

I know this situation sucks, but really the blame is on Samsung and not the FAA or the airlines. Get on a plane, watch a Note7 explode in flight, and you’ll understand the gravity of the situation.

Well done Samsung. Well done. An angry mob.

The cavity searches should instead be cavity Note7 insertions. The safest vessel to carry the Note7 in is the idiot that won’t get rid of it.

this is an easy one. A Volkswagen Phaeton!

HEY! It’s not Samsung’s fault. Apple put all the ports on the back and Samsung copies Apple. What the hell could they do? If only Apple had a problem with iPhones catching fire, and then fixed the problem, this whole Note7 thing wouldn’t have blown up!

Weeeellllll... TOTALLY different things by TOTALLY different companies and a TOTALLY response. Boeing took it seriously and Samsung made it very evident it only carried about money.

I think Samsung is stuck until iPhone 7's need a battery recall program so they can successfully copy that too.

Yea... I’m SURE he didn’t pop a new SIM card into a new phone so... you know... he had a working PHONE. Who really needs a phone.

Wow... you need to start saving more money.

I have a 6S Plus that’s been ticking with a slight hiss.

Well it makes sense. When your phone catches on fire, it’s a real benefit to know you can safely throw it in a handy bucket of water! That would ruin an iPhone...