Who the hell thought inviting her would be a good idea, and who thought you could intimidate a bunch of seniors who’ve already graduated with that?
Who the hell thought inviting her would be a good idea, and who thought you could intimidate a bunch of seniors who’ve already graduated with that?
Why is that seeping nutsack Mark Sanford even still a politician?! Shouldn’t he should be in South America with his mistress?
We all thought Clinton was the obvious win as well.
Oh Thank God.
I mean...the shear ignorance and denial coming from him is simply staggering. I bet he watched this video after he said it and was able to precisely determine the end of his political career.
Without even reading this article, the answer is YES
So that’s what a mid-life crisis looks like in 2017
The new Jan Brady.
Maybe I have some form of dyslexia, but I cannot read or pronounce that in my head as anything other than Frye Festival.
i actually kindof liked it.
Well it seemed to have worked out for them and he seems to have had his mind changed, so maybe it isnt the worst thing in the world
I wouldn’t really mind if she chose to do something as the FLOTUS. I just wish she wasn’t so glacial. She has all the personality and warmth of a frozen pick axe and comes across like she’s better than the rest of the country. Even her attempt at compassion comes across as sterile and out of touch.
Seriously? Liking photos and texting are considered ‘going the extra mile’?
Aretha sounds petty as hell.
Thank you! I love reading these fun crime stories. My whole family orders them and passes them around on their Kindles (somehow they’re able to share?? I don’t know how old people have surpassed me in technology).
Awww, that made me smile. I love that he did that and that she got such a kick out of it. <3
Generally speaking it’s a bad idea to ever invoke Nazi’s or Holocaust references, however, in this instance and the level of human tragedy involved, it seems that it isn’t so far fetched. Also, lets consider this is the freakin’ Pope - the rad Pope, not that old grumpy German one, but the more hippy, liberal, “I don’t…
Also, that description of Sessions is spot on (maybe it’s just this picture which makes his head look particularly cherubic). I can’t NOT imagine him dressed as Buddy the Elf, and if there is a God in Heaven, he will make that a reality.
While he is technically accurate in defining it’s location and the type of land mass that it is, he definitely highlights ‘the otherness’ about Hawaii which is really shitty. It’s a STATE!!!! A state, by the way, we took by overthrowing a monarchy that existed for hundreds if not thousands of years. The way he…
I guess part of me will always feel bad for someone who chose comfort over love and to be married to someone like Donald Trump. No wonder she wanted a child so bad; she needed to have someone to love unconditionally.