Lauren Gallo

Well, there’s canon and then there’s fanon. The twain doth not always cross despite how fervently people wish.



Glad to be of service! ToE is a great but not regularly updated blog. Just remember, there’s always tomorrow.

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I love Opera! Have you ever seen the music video Twins of Evil blog made for it?

This is my one big gripe, the way they don’t seem to know how to fit him in. If they’re moving to make Dorian and Lily some bigger bad working in the shadows, they need to play that hand now and actually bring them to the fore. Right now it feels like a superfluous D plot just to have Reeve and Billie as part of

While I don’t think the LXG movie was the absolute worst and had some great moments (also Nemo’s ship and car are stunningly gorgeous), Penny Dreadful feels more like the League that should have been.

Wouldn’t say they’re horror, but those are two fantastic movies.

Aside from this being brilliant, A+ for “surprise, motherfucker” used well.

I’m going to need them to keep Bucky Barnes out of this fuckwittery, thanks.

I’ve always liked the Year in Hell two-parter.

Good for Paul! From going to GallifreyOne for a few years, he seems like a genuinely nice guy and easy to approach, and Family of Blood/Human Nature is a two-parter I often recommend as a potential starting point for NuWho viewers.

The shows are indeed excellent! It makes me wish they’d just focus on those for now or take what’s charming and works for the shows and apply them to the movies instead of trying to make them weirdly separate.

We could have had it all.

I did not know I needed to see Lee Pace as Jamie Gumb until now.

The complete and utter shitshow that was their version of the Phoenix Saga still leaves a cold burning rage in me to this day.

It did spin off a pretty good arc for Bucky as Cap and gave us Buckynat in 616, but yea, what a hot mess of character assassination figuratively...literally...

Moka pots aren’t that hard to clean, really, but then I basically clean it with a DIY cleaning spray made of dish soap, white vinegar, and lemon juice we use for other stuff around the house.

Yea, that’s a good way to look at the crap salad the puppies have caused. I hope E Pluribus Hugos passes and can help fix some of the slate issues. As someone trying to break more into SFF writing, I can only eyeroll so much before I sprain something.