
I wonder when the investigation into recruiting violations begins...

As long as I get to be the Japanese guy, I can live with that.

Well you sir are a gentleman and a scholar.

Not today though. Today I'm just procrastinating work.

Opinions are like assholes... But I must have at some point cause I had a star sooooo....

I like it.

Why thank you and yes, was def the reason, I refuse to believe my comments were not up to starred deadspinner standards...

So wait...having my star pulled last week was just because you guys wanted to test that out? OK, now I'll stop crying.

Well I guess I wasn't aware that the vast majority of my posts were terrible but the more you know. Good night sweet prince.

Unless it's in DUAN I assume...

I'm not but couch burning was the theme of last night's Kentucky celebration.

Me too.

It was incredibly appropriate given the whole couch burning thing. But ok, guess a line was crossed.

She came back to you so you see...she did

I don't want to but now I'm just common folk round here. Like I know what it feels like to drive a Ferrari so when it's taken away from me and I'm put in a Nissan Sentra, I'd rather not get in cause it'll just make me miss the good life...I'll take the bus...or something

Me too, very intrigued.

I was unstarred today by apisuper2 and I'm not real sure why but once you go star you don't go back so guess I'll be seein ya.

Um..... apisuper2, why was I unstarred?


Couches seem to be the number one enemy.