
@OnTheTwelfthNightOfLloydChrist...: I've since seen all 'gross' 2G1C and they have nothing on the eel porn (as I have named it). I was out to sushi the other night and as much as I love eel sauce, I flinched at the thought. I'm flinching now.

You know the sad thing is that I know exactly which video is being referred to and ever since seeing it more than 5 years ago it has forever tainted my sushi eating joy. Oh, and my joy of watching Asians in porn. I used to love eel...

@DogRidingRodeoMonkey: Then she probably pretended to be all scared of heights so that she could be all like, 'OMG you're the only reason I made it through this terrifying punishment that I was subjected to' ...or something.....I dunno....

Look...clearly this guy knows his football....he was inducted into the Hall of Fame in 97.

I'm not saying I'm watching this season of Bachelor either, but if I was, I'd say that although this Michelle chick is bat shit crazy, I had no idea she was Boozer crazy...

Personally I like Chris Brown's version 'Black and Blue' the best.

@lisapower...I was #1 but how'd you like to be #122?

1 tard 1 cup

You should have seen when they had to cover the story about politics in Niger.

I don't know who's dumber, her or the johns. Actually, no, it must be her because they actually went to a real college and now make enough money that they don't have to resort to her level to make a living.

@SavetoFavorites: were the one who brought up siphoning gas....

The Bears are a terrible team and no match for the Packers!

Wow...the Nebraska weather has not been kind to that chick...she looks wayyyyy older than 19...

@Sonar Jose: Phew...I was starting to run out of material.

@SavetoFavorites: If I was a dude I'd totally make a joke about not going back door...

@Walk Off HBP: Good point, but I am all up to date on my tetanus shots just in case...

@Sonar Jose: I'm eagerly awaiting my ticket to be delivered.

@Steve U: Oh no....I play the trombone sir....the trombone...

@Sonar Jose: Awesome...I'm thinking Dallas?