Wait...Grandpa Farve still plays in the NFL?
Wait...Grandpa Farve still plays in the NFL?
I wonder what would happen in Vegas if Chris Harris or LaMichael James made their FB status 'Former Duck...' just for shits and giggles....
Sticks and stones may break my bones...now eff off.
Professional demeanor.
By any chance would this be a reason why my blackberry is acting screwed up today and not retrieving any of my emails from any of my accounts? Just figured I'd jump on this blame train while I could.
@Red Ned: I was actually referring to one of the three toes on a woman. Two on her feet, the other on her you know what.
@Red Ned: I hope it hurt someone's toe...one or all three....
As an animal lover, I can only hope that hurt the people in the pew more than the camel.
@FIFA-Thespian-Federation: I was soooooo planning on updating that this weekend. Oh well...I suppose I still have a few hours. And while many do indeed refer to me as 'Her Majesty'... in this case, it actually stands for 'Head Motherfucker'....(pardon the language)
@FIFA-Thespian-Federation: Done and done ;)
@FIFA-Thespian-Federation: Yeah....sorry. I could just be your older sister I suppose...
@FIFA-Thespian-Federation: Well we would have been talking Mississippi-age-motherhood and without going into details, even that wasn't really possible but now it's confirmed...I couldn't be your mother so phewww
@FIFA-Thespian-Federation: Well sure...but I could almost, technically still be your mother... I mean not quite but it could be cutting it close
@FIFA-Thespian-Federation: So are you still in school? Just curious how close to statutory rape our relations will be...
@FIFA-Thespian-Federation: I believe you are correct. But it's a fun place especially for us girls...no one cares about my legs being smooth or tan. Plus, BEST DANCE MUSIC EVAH!!!
@FIFA-Thespian-Federation: Hah....no. But I'll do you the favor of telling you that while the WeHo bureau can provide you with a guide, I wouldn't actually use it there...unless you're into that....not that there's anything wrong with that...
@FIFA-Thespian-Federation: The guide is available at the West Hollywood Visitors Bureau
@Now imma throw my gyroball: Who says we out here can afford it...we've just learned the art of bartering earlier in life.
@Red Ned: Well it would be nice if he actually had a penis but other than that...
I'm pretty sure that's not his addiction but I could be wrong...