Laura zee

None of what he says is all that crazy at the root of it. Who we think we are is a sort of illusion; not in the sense that it isn’t real, but in the sense that it’s something that’s masking reality in a way. But the way he delivers the message really bugs me. Zen masters talk about the “stink of enlightenment,” and

Its musical equivalent would be Tom Waits and Keith Richards doing a song together

That E! reporter was not prepared to say “tetrahedron.”

I really do wish that E! reporter had stopped him in the first interview and asked, “What is it you think a tetrahedron is?” because either he was just throwing in whatever big word he could pull at that moment with no grasp of its meaning or he’s got some extra-crazy beliefs that we’ve only seen the surface of.

“Look at these assholes over there. Ordinary fuckin’ people. I hate ‘em. See, an ordinary person spends his life avoiding tense situations. Repo man spends his life getting INTO tense situations.” R.I.P. Harry Dean Stanton

If only there were a vaccine for pretentiousness.

Harry Dean Stanton as Bud in Repoman

He was great in Wild at Heart. The resigned look on his face when he realised he’d been betrayed and was about to die, barking at the hyenas on the TV.

I don’t want no commies in my car. No Christians either.

I’ve loved his work every since I saw him in Repo Man decades ago. One of the greatest actors of the 20th century, and probably one of the most underrated.

He had a face that can only be described as “lived in”. Wonderful actor, who could express world weary better than anyone else. RIP

I’m ok with Sigourney Weaver being immortal.

Excellent character actor—disappearing into the part but keeping small essentials of Harry Dean intact. Didn’t matter what the role, while other actors were giving a .5 performance, he always gave a 1.25. I sure will miss him popping up unexpectedly on screen; he never failed to be surprising and interesting.

Look at those assholes, ordinary fucking people. I hate ‘em.

He was giving good performances in his 90s. What a great character actor.

Screw you for making me cry.

Him and Richard Farnsworth at the end of Lynch’s The Straight Story, all 3 minutes of it, was some of the most affecting acting I’ve ever seen. I don’t think I could watch it right now.

I’m so glad we got to see him again in Twin Peaks. His performance conveyed a gentle, empathetic sadness that I wish we could have seen more of. RIP.

One of the greatest faces in the history of acting. Total legend. From Alien to Repo Man to Twin Peaks. Immortal in art my good man. RIP HDS.