
I used to volunteer as a clinic escort at a non-PP clinic and I've had my life threatened, been called a baby-killing dyke who hates her father (still trying to figure out how that works out), and was almost pepper-sprayed (I had a leaf-blower with me, so that hilariously backfired on the nutbag protester). I've seen

So at what point does someone sue over this? These laws are on the books but they are disregarded again and again. I'm not necessarily gunning for a litigious society, but at what point does a consequence actually hit these people (those who try to prevent women from breast feeding in public)? "I'm sorry" said

I love weddings. Generally people only get together for two major events—weddings and funerals. I am infinitely more enthused about celebrating a new start and love than the end of someone's life. Plus, open bar.

In my more dickish moments I've told people, when they've asked me, that my weight loss was due to cancer. I am so going to hell.

Amen and Hallelujah, Diet A&W reigns supreme!

I'm going to put this in the same boat as male tramp stamps (by no means a trend, but I've seen enough of them this summer to be concerned) and by same boat, I mean GOOD LORD, NO NO NO NO NO.

Correction, there is no such thing as "beautiful downtown Riverside".

After interning a Sacramento summer in suit and hose, I've purposefully crafted my entire professional life around never ever having to wear pantyhose again. I extend my deepest sympathies to you and your sweaty, sweaty professional obligation.

I have little white mutts, but we often to go to the dog park that hosts the Corgi Meet-up. There is nothing more entertaining than watching a bunch of little dogs try to boss one another around. Loud, but infinitely entertaining.

Thank you! I am a contractor for the Department of Energy (in one of their agency's HQ) and we are NOT FEDERAL EMPLOYEES (for better or worse, mostly the latter). If these were contractors I suspect the only way they were using tax payer money was by using billable time to screw around. If they were using for

Yeah, who the hell wears a bra to bed?

Jake Cambron

Hell, I've got some time.

Profoundly wishing Jezebel would find the real identities behind these Twitter accounts and let their neighbors, co-workers, and loved ones know what stellar human beings they are. Good god.

Wow, like Burning Man, except with more lame.

And he cleaned his room...ain't aging grand?

More of this please.

I have fundamentally never understood why anyone else gives a shit about what I wear and how I do my hair. If it's that important to you, YOU dress up, but leave me the hell alone.

Have you ever personally done that magic online shopping? Without seeing/feeling/trying on the clothing in person, you wind up with a lot of polyester, badly cut, poorly rendered clothing that you have the pleasure of paying shipping for, both ways as you will inevitably return 90% of it. Since there's no sizing

Wow, this freak show is afraid of fat people ruining his brand. Clearly, with all that money, he's never ever bought a mirror. Fascinating.