
Vincent and the Doctor by a mile. Probably my single favorite hour of television,period. Everyone is at the top of their game in this one. Matt Smith plays the Doctor at his most compassionate, most kind, yet fearing the consequences of intervention in the wake of Rory's erasure from existence. Karen Gillan is

We noted on our original save a date card where we were registered, but that guests could feel free to go off registry or forego giving a gift if they felt like it. We didn't want gifts to be a barrier to someone coming to celebrate with us.

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I love much ado about nothing. I'm going to watch the shit out of this when I can. In the meantime... the David Tennant and Catherine Tate much ado was hilarious.

David Tennant and Cathrine Tates's Much Ado was brilliant!

If you mean, IndigoMontoya, the lack of subsequent response suggests I responded satisfactorily. If you're meaning the OP, the very article was about how docs talk to patients about weight. Why would my comment not address that? Good communication fosters great relationships whether medical or otherwise. Sometimes we

False. The best mortality data is actually in the BMI class labeled "overweight." Higher and lower BMIs* than that category have worse mortality.

you are right. one persons death should not mare the entire industry. just like the beating of Rodney King does not speak to the greatness of the LAPD and its treatment of non-white people.

No, that's not what we're talking about. We're talking about, say, when I go to a new doctor for intake, we review my blood work, she tells me everything looks healthy, and then she launches into a lecture about my BMI. When I point out that the BMI measure don't make sense, since it would rank someone with a lot of

I understand where you're coming from. But in the case of people who are unaware of health concerns, doctors should stress increased exercise and healthy eating - not the assumption that fat = unhealthy or fat = stupid and unaware. There are plenty of unhealthy skinny people who would equally benefit from such a

This isn't a post about "the other side", this is a completely different situation. We get that your wife is trying to be respectful and I'm glad that folks like her are out there. Articles like this aren't about your wife, and there isn't some fine line between "telling your patient what they need to know to be

So did most logical people, including those involved in health care (not that I'm saying all doctors are on board - just the good ones :)). And yet, all Obama can manage to barely squeak through is a plan that improves health care for many but also fattens insurance pockets immensely. The Force, it is strong with the

Single payer system yes!!! Seriously, why is our government so opposed? As a future doctor I pray to spend at least part of my practicing life in a system where I don't have to worry whether or not my patients are covered. I want to pay off my loans, have a comfortable but not extravagant life (small house, car that

It's really hard to do that, because there's always such confrontation with weight loss. A person can only hear "eat less and move more" so many times before they start getting defensive about the idea of weight loss.

I'll give you a scenario - At 42 years old I'm 5'6" and I weigh around 21o lbs. I also work out with a personal trainer once a week (weight and strength training), and I do an hour of cardio twice a week. My metabolics are great - all well within recommended ranges, but my BMI is slightly over 30. What would you do if

My old doctor in Denver used to ask me "how do you feel inside your body today?". It was such a great question. I felt comfortable in that moment steering the conversation into what I wanted to talk about. If I was feeling fatigue or constantly bloated or even if I did say you know, I feel a little heavier - he would

My GP is wonderful, but one time in a hurry I had to see one of her nurse practitioners for a prescription refill. The woman then proceeded to try to lecture me on my weight. Mind you, she was overweight as well. She informed me of all the things that being overweight "caused" until I pointed out that 1)