Laura E.

Yeah 15 minutes devoted to rich white boys was the low point of an otherwise very good episode.

Penelope is my favorite of her characters too.

I never much cared for Wiig on SNL. She's so much more appealing in movies, where she doesn't suck the life out of the screen and totally take over. I blame Lorne for over indulging her.

The show really tricked me—all this time, I thought Wes was at the police station the same time as Annalise, so he couldnt be dead.

I knew I needed B99 back in my life. I didn't realize how much I needed Holt's obsession with balloon arches.

The cold open was tough to watch. I couldn't laugh at all in the first half because it was too true to be funny. At the end I was crying because this election has freaking sucked and no amount of hugging will fix it.

I think in the pilot we learned she's 23. This episode really brought home the fact that Ginny never got to be a normal girl her age. I wonder if she ever had female friends growing up, and she didn't have a sister. Evelyn and Amelia wind up filling multiple roles.

This episode was an absolute roller coaster. Maybe parabolas should be the next geometry song.

It's impressive how many layers this show has.

I don't know how it would work but can we keep Trevor in the Good Place?

"You're slurring your words!" made me laugh so hard.

It was a Grandfathered reunion! When does John Stamos appear?

Yeah, that seemed really naive on Ginny's part. Baseball is a business. Most players don't spend their whole careers with one team.

She did, but it was just a quick scene where she's painting her nails over the unpeeled potatoes.

I loved everyone in this episode except Josh, but I especially enjoyed Hector.

And she was on Parks too!

Adam Scott has tweeted about watching the Bachelor, so that detail was really delightful.

Less Josh, more Broom Darryl.

Yes yes yes yes yes

Ah! I never listened to that. Glad he survived in one universe.