Come quickly! I am tasting stars!

Unless Kinja is simply acting up, he deleted my comment pointing out his scientific ignorance. For obvious reasons, African Americans are quite genetically diverse. Africa is the most genetically diverse continent.

Whitney, could you please get me out of the grays? I’ve been outside looking in for years —much like these poor puppers during Dog Senior Prom, I imagine— and it’s kinda frustrating. If my comments languish in the abyss forever Zsa Zsa’s owners won’t get a chance to read my comment and tell Zsa Zsa I think she is a

It’s just a jacket, y’all!

I read that and thought “holy shit I had no idea every other man died last night damn”

Somebody in another post said he’s not the sexist man alive we wanted but he’s the sexist man alive we deserve.

Well, to be fair, 2017 HAS been a pretty shitty year, so... sure, why not?

People’s Sexiest Man Alive has also honored Adam Levine, who’s about as sexy as Blake Shelton. Also on the list are Matthew McConaughey and Nick Nolte, who I guess must have made sense at the time? Add in abusers Johnny Depp and Mel Gibson and Scientologist weirdo Tom Cruise, and I think we should just treat People


I don’t know what it means or says about me but I knew what Gary that was going to be before clicking and thought “I’m glad he’s doing good”.

It is, and that’s why I posted this. I consider myself fairly well informed, yet I just discovered this particular layer of said onion* and felt the need to alert everyone, because this is getting close to zero coverage in the media.

Statutory PAYGO is understood by very few people, including most of Congress. It’s another wicket, like the Conference Committee, final CBO scoring, and the Senate Parliamentarian that this legislation has to go through.

In other Dirt Bag-related news:

She’s the embodiment of that person who votes for trump and can be nice to the right kind of person but says they aren’t racist. Outwardly they seem inoffensive compared to Paula Deen, but really she’s the same once you get to know her. Plus, her food ain’t shit compared to Smitten Kitchen

I find her whole-hearted embrace of very firm gender roles and faux-down home values shtick deeply creepy. Her lifestyle is held up as aspirational and it encompasses a lot of things completely antithetical to my own values: gender inequality, casual racism, conspicuous and excessive consumption, driving two miles

I know I’m super late to SNS just wanted to give you a high five on sobriety, I was addicted to heroin and haven’t touched it for almost a decade, all of this news has messed with me and has me thinking “wouldn’t life just be a tad easier if I had heroin?”... then I realized “HELL NO”.... it would be ten times

Just re-watched Donnie Darko. Forgot how good it was. Binged Stranger Things Season 2 and felt a little meh about it. Still good, just not season 1 good. Love Max. Still loathe Nancy (idk why, sorry!) and felt terrible about Samwise.

I can just imagine someone tossing off “ I don’t give a rat’s ass,” only to have North pull one nonchalantly out of her purse: I have a spare.

DAMN really?!? There’s so many revolving cast of characters, it’s hard to keep up-to-date with everything.