Come quickly! I am tasting stars!

Thank you! Your work makes email bearable. I’m sorry that spammers get tilted at you; they are ridiculous.

If little girls are looking up to the spouse of the president as their ultimate role model then we are teaching them wrong. Let’s find them some role models whose status doesn’t depend on their marital status.

Cheat, and blame her. Obvs.

*sob* I miss that show.

Exactly. People were just tagged as retarded, or slow, or hidden away and not diagnosed at all. We have gotten better at diagnosing conditions like autism, and delineating various learning disabilities in ways that didn’t exist 50 years ago.

Studying these methods is good and necessary. We need to know what works, what doesn’t work, and why. Americans spend $30 BILLION per year on complementary and alternative medicine. $100 million to develop an empiric knowledge base is probably not enough considering how much treatment is happening out there.

Except that the Clinic also has people like Dr Roizen, who is the Chief Wellness Officer at the Cleveland Clinic, co-author of several books with noted kook Dr Oz, and long-time promoter of feel-good woo. This isn’t a case of one person going rogue; there is a well funded contingent of snake oil salespeople at the

“Now politicians and advocates can just make up their own intelligence and ignore the consensus of experts. I’m scared.”

It is standard procedure for the outgoing administration to request the resignation of each of its politically appointed ambassadors, which the Obama administration did back in November. It is also traditional for the incoming administration to grant extensions to ambassadors who request it, since it is unlikely that

Hate and fear are easier to profit from.

The nature of intelligence work is that you get information of varying quality and conflicting bits, which various analysts, boffins and managers need to sort through and determine the veracity and seriousness. The WMD/yellowcake info was not highly rated by the intelligence agencies, but it provided the narrative

I assumed they were boner pills too, but they are not. They are used for sores and boils, and to increase lactation and menstruation. The meat is a delicacy, a son well.

Good. It primarily benefits well off people. 70% of taxpayers can’t benefit from it because they don’t itemize, and wealthier people can take a larger percentage deduction on the same size donation because their tax rate is higher, so the middle income person gets 200 on a $1000 donation but an upper income person

On the plus side, bar trivia will be so much easier in the future. “In what year did <<insert bad thing >> happen?”

Yes, it is flawed but endearing. Would watch again.

The thoughtful approach would be to remember this, but people seem to believe that they gave the Democrats 8 years and aren’t satisfied, so let’s go the other way. This is a deeply flawed analysis, but for the headlines only people it seems to be as far as they got.

Yep, she saw stuff. Enough to convince her catholic self that there must be a better way.

There are people who don’t qualify for subsidies whose premiums are going up and up and up. This pain is real. It exists. They have the right to be angry and frustrated that they are in a death spiral.

Gen X, the canary in the coal mine generation. Smart thinking on positioning the ruination; GenX is too small, and millennials are still in their disaffected years. Wait any longer and enough millennials will have their feet under them that they’ll shut this whole thing down.