
Zero fu*ks given......

Probably playing all the games in the museum from an app on her phone there....

....And the Japanese women's hockey team bowing to the wining team after their defeat from the Olympics. Why I have a huge respect for them.

I call him Chuck!

For the chicks!!!!

I have actually had kimchi thrown in my face by a girl I was dating in Korea. Worse part was the curry in the eyes. That sh*t stings for hours!!

Hipster? ... With his hair and clothes he looks more like a greaser from the 1950's

Hipster? ... With his hair and clothes he looks more like a greaser from the 1950's

Is there anything a Japanese school girl can't do (except for me of course!!)...

Chinooks are faster than an Apache and one of the fastest helicopters in the Army's inventory. Just cause she is a fat girl doesn't mean she can't move......

I was hoping the next picture was going to be her beating him down. She has that "WTF did you just say to me" look".....

I don't think you have all 37 pieces of flair on....

Aww Keni-chan!!

Michael Bay's new love scene!!!

Japan might have tooth ache pics, but America has the happiest salad eaters on the planet. Dare you to find one unhappy person eating salad in any stock photo on the internet!!!

Bought some Sony MDR-10RBT last weekend. They are amazing!!

Thanks ... keep these movie reviews coming as they are helping my language skills, but if they whisper through this movie I ain't watching.... Had it at max volume trying to hear it until she screamed DIE ..... crapped myself!

"simply never got around to drinking"