
Well I mean he was the last samurai .....

Missing redneck teeth .... YES!!!!

Love the first picture of the dog. He has this bad ass stare going on....

"Are you guys the badies now?"

I think 20% of this is made up 9% of time by 14% of the people using 37% of the issue to gain 41% of the story.......

Who the hell would fall for this? It is a blue light powered by your cigarette lighter!

So Disney is going to fuck ever iconic movie .... THANKS!

Did you really have to say "South" Korean reality show? Because a North Korean reality show is just called life and you loose at it every time.......

Those rooms look cleaner than most of Chicago!

Not impressed!

Pork and beans ... PORK AND BEANS!!!!

29 years ago .... Just think the report is probably long dead now.

No one did this with the pudding and fries in those crappy TV/microwave dinners?

This stuff got everywhere. Taking a shower was the worst because then it just stuck to you. My bags were easy to spot in the luggage carousel since they where stained with the dust...

Hell yeah!!

I won't put them on my phone .... said no Japanese girl ever!!!

Lotteria, so good Aya Hirano works there!

Asia get Lightning Returns and we get the PS4. I think we lost this round.. (not that the PS4 sucks, just love the FF game)

You can clearly see the Amazon logo .... not impressed .. (/sarcasm)