
Wow really you don't have chipmunks, I don't know why I figured they were one of those 'they are everywhere' critters.. ya know, like crows and/or ravens. Where are you located?

Over-sensitive women? Holy hell, find something else to occupy your selfish day. I personally am offended by women only gyms, now that's sexism. Seriously, you make me want to barf, people can't even have casual conversation any more without self doubt and insecurity pouring out into what is right and wrong.

I suspected, wish I could see it myself so clearly every day, and even realize the identity thing in my day to day life. Ah humanity, I love it :) You really never see chipmunks worried and thinking about these things, eeeesh.

I came to the harsh (or maybe it's pleasant) realization last night that I'm going to end up sinking a couple hundred hours into this game. I'm currently level 36 with about 90 hours in and have sooooo many things left to do.

Not I, I don't want to do it because I have no desire to be a thief. I will never do the dark brotherhood quests either, or many of the daedric quests. I know it's just a game, but I won't budge on my morals even in fantasy.

This is my point, it's a game of balance, the 'negative' minds will say that empty positive comments are worse and positive people will say what you have (or are you just trying to be positive? lol). What you think is stupid and disruptive, is another person's common sense, don't take things so personal or to heart,

The thing about positive, negative, neutral conversation is by saying you only want positive you are in fact saying something like: You are free to be who you are and want to be, but only as long as you are positive.... which means you are not free to be who you want to be, and forcing positivity breeds negativity in

Define justice... and note that your definition may some day be used to measure you.

Yes I figured that much out, but cutting 1 second off of a 15 second load isn't really worth the 6GB of space to me... but cutting that same load down to 5 seconds is.

Sort of off topic, but Skyrim related. Has anyone playing on 360 installed it, and have an honest opinion or measurable examples of the effect of the install on load times? Now with the patch coming, thanks to a friend who told me the load times are long I notice them (YEP you heard me, i didn't really notice them

Beware, you will find yourself altering your schedule to get 'one more thing done', great game. Oh and Enchanting is awesomeness, I ignored it for the first 10 levels then fell instantly in love once I started using it and seeing the benefits.

I love turn based, wish FF stayed with it to be honest. Allowed for creators to create very difficult and strategy based battles, allowed the player to watch the action and appreciate the 'art', allowed you to pick through abilities and experiment with you inventory more. You get my vote!

I swear by Astro, their headsets are awesome! And not ugly.

I drink at work, carry on :D

I suspect based on replies and my suspicion I know one of your problems. For the vine, it's attached to the ground you have to cut it free first.. then just jump to it like any other 3D Zelda game by walking forward.

The internet tells me geek women exist, yet I never seem to cross their path. Alas. Anywho, sounded great!

Yey another war based game... pukes in mouth and swallows it like a man.

This is the only game in the Zelda series that I just don't like, I've tried replaying it a couple of times, never can get past about the half way mark. I'd much prefer another Zelda re-released for like Link to the Past or something. I know, not the question being asked.

Once people play through the game they'll turn to mods, perfect timing I think :) Best 59.99 I've spent in a very long time.

Good to know, but it would seem from @rtanger 's comment that you may have been lucky.