
Only Sony would charge for this type of capability, they should have just taken the same model as Microsoft for Live IMO. Thanks for the info.

Do you have to pay for a membership? Great timing, I just realized that Demons Souls has a locked save file as I am going away this weekend and hoped to play it on another PS3... Turns out cloud saves for PS3 are a Playstation Plus feature :( Boo.

IB1 was soooo very pretty but so very boring after the first 15 mins. Like many iOS games, no depth or substance. I can't see me having any interest in getting IB2.

Gray is good, it's only the black a marketer need worry about.

That means 3D is a staggering success! Only 28%, if you can get 72% of people to want something, you are in a good place. And clever be, the 28% can still turn it off and enjoy the rest of what the 3DS...will offer (game selection still kinda sucks).

It's super sexy, but Crysis 2 kept my attention for like an hour, never went back to play it and traded it a few weeks after that. We need to start sub defining genres, FPS is so deep a category that I've discovered that just because one FPS gets a awesome score, doesn't mean it's my type of game.


Ok ok, yes from a money making standpoint. It's like the Nintendo investors saying they should make iOS games, they are looking at the bottom line, how much money they can make. Problem is, the App Store sucks, the games are seriously horrible for the most part (Yes there are a few gems like Dead Space, Plants vs.

LOL, yes I think trolling could be a possibility all right. If in fact there is any truth to this, take video games out of the equation, these people have deeper psychological problems that, like you say, are thankfully not manifesting in a violent way.

Is it April fools day?


I have it in my hands, but alas I have a meeting late afternoon so I can't slip away early.

Donkey Kong Country Returns tonight (started it with a friend a while ago, we are set on finishing it off), Dead Island for the rest of the weekend, with a little Demons Souls for good measure (until I start to swear, rage and throw my controller like last night).

2 was a fairly easy game, so I wouldn't say 3 was easier. I found 1 quite the challenge in later levels however so if I was to compare I would say 3 was between 1 and 2 in regards to difficulty. Of course that depends what difficulty setting you are playing on, did 1 even have a casual/easy setting?

Hmmm I think I'm missing something, Resistance 2 was a fine game and 3 was quite enjoyable, I had no problem playing through either. The story isn't the deepest in the world, but the gameplay was fun and engaging, I wanted to keep playing.

Tres excited, the gears games have always been quite satisfying for me. I remember the first time I played GOW1, it was a defining moment for me. The online multi-player stumbles a bit in the first two, but local LAN games with friends bring back memories, and I'm glad that 3 brings with it what appears to be great

Yeah, if using a headset, you can change windows default recording device to something like line-in (make sure something is plugged into it) and then simply tell vent/teamspeak/etc to use your headset. A workaround, but gets the job done.

Ok so it has a few quirks, we have to use Hamatchi to play together, but I've really been enjoying DI. Looking forward to the fixes, if anything so we can use TeamSpeak again and get away from the horrible voice chat from Steam, but till then I don't regret this game in the least. I you have even one friend who wants

Those short stories in Lost Odyssey were fantastic, I felt emotion, both sad and happy, when reading them.