
I love how people think they understand something because they have seen how at a 'mechanical' level they understand. Human arrogance. The strongest of scientists however are in awe in regards to the design of the universe, so both songs mock something that isn't true in scientific circles, just in common folk circles

Maybe it's because we don't like endings? That's the theory I've had for a while, because man I do the exact same thing with books too. It's almost like I want it to live on in my head lol.

I played both Uncharted's, loved both, but didn't finish either. Hmmm odd, I'm probably like 15 mins away from the credits in both games... anyone else that weird?

Your crazy! Seriously, I feel the same, Gears 1 holds a special place in my heart.

I think you had the funniest response, I'm still laughing... the random intern, muahahahaha.

Consider this a social experiment, I actually think Todd is quite well spoken and fair in most of what he says, plus you can see his passion and creativity when he speaks.

I've lost all interest in Skyrim, even cancelled my preorder, since they let Todd speak in public. Yeeeesh, what a tool, I feel dirty having liked his past games in fear I have something in common with him.

3D, SOB :( I's sad. Kinect version with 3D would have been awesomeness !!!

Decent stance, as long as you don't actually mean or think that you would kill someone! Not a healthy thought, to think it's ok to kill :(

Rioters are ignorant, anti social scum who have mental disorders from the looks of it! Anyone rationalizing (look it up in the dictionary) different needs to really question their morals/beliefs. Good people do not behave like this, PERIOD.

Innocent people are not going to be put away in jail, dear lord have some faith in the police... they actually have the balls to keep you safe at night, and you think they are nothing but mindless idiots?! Cowardice hackers, I hope they find your antisocial ass' and lock you away for a while.

Yes yes, order your weapons and ready yourself in your cave for an attack that probably won't come. If people were more community oriented, trusted their neighbors and realized that thugs account for < 10% of the world, the cowards currently rioting wouldn't get away with it because more people would have personal

Hahaha, I love how the media is finding every way to hate on the 3DS right now, I mean seriously it's a hilarious display of human behavior.

Bethesda has been making lots of stupid noise lately, I recently cancelled my Skyrim preorder, couldn't put up with their 'view' of things. They were better of staying quiet, I clash with their opinion on things.

WoW is an MMO and implicitly by it's definition requires a persistent online connection (it's an online game, persistent online connection isn't even in the thought of the consumer you idiots). Diablo is boxed software, you need online access for playing with your friends (how the consumer thinks) but nothing else.

I try to speak for everyone!

What? I've had the 3DS since launch and I have no marks on my top screen, what the hell are you people talking about?

Get real. I bought it day one, don't care that the price dropped, stop f##### whining and talking about it. Anyone who feel betrayed should stop buying electronics.

Ohhhhhh really, that just got me interested in COD multiplayer!

I wanted to pick up Gunstringer, but the Fruit Ninja pack in foiled that for me as I'm buying that as part of the summer of arcade. Anyone know if a standalone Gunstringer will be available at retail without FN for $10 cheaper?