
Yes I understand, I guess what I'm saying is I agree with Iwata.. I want high production experiences, not $.99 distractions.

Yes the U.S. dollar is sinking, but everyone else in the world has recovered and is doing quite fine ;) Is the new controller compelling? To me it's more compelling than what the Wii was, given I like to sit on my couch to play games, not interact with the TV (when holodecks are available, my opinion may change).

Really? I think this is what Iwata was talking about, because if you (the market/gamers) think this experience is anything like what the Wii U can bring, we are all in for trouble.

HEY, I kinda found TP a little so-so as well. I felt so alone in this lol, thank you. It was 'ok', but many other Zelda's before it were much better for many reasons.

It's like a juiced up DS experience in your living room, me like too :)

OH REALLY? Thank you!

I forgot about the stylus, precise control for those puzzle moments, writing notes, updating maps, etc. I feel like a kid again!

I'm stoked! The potential is huge, much better than waggle and motion control that game dev obviously can seem to create anything worthwhile for. I don't really understand why people are confused, and I guess that's my fear, even the 3DS confused people. Just the idea of a big DS experience in my living room has me

I can't help get my hopes up, and after reading a few sites who had a hands on who said the controller is actually very comfortable, it helps fuel those hopes. You are right however, it depends now on the 3rd party and people buying the 3rd party games....Then add in that Zelda screen and I'm all over this thing!

I don't even think those words do justice to how this screen makes me feel, there is another on Joystiq of the same battle. OMG!

Pretty isn't it? And don't forget your inventory and map will be in your hands, and you can interact with it! I mean really, even if that screen isn't real, Nintendo is such a wonderful company.

WHERE IS Paper Mario 3D???? I want! I sad :(

That's a good MFin F? Or a bad MFin F? I kinda liked the first one, it was different and entertaining enough. Of course they best add more diversity, puzzles and maybe an entertaining story element in 2.

Can't lie, I kinda hoped to see way more 3DS news, new IP's and games coming from 3rd party devs. But, 3D Mario still gets me excited, just not as excited as I expected to get.

I do remember that, funny thing about the whole thing is, while yes the tech demo not coming into reality was disappointing (I think that's why Twilight Princess had the style it had) I kinda love the Wind Waker style (and it even holds up really well today). I love video games that allow me to escape the 'real' and

Check out Joystiq for a quick screen grab of a Wii U Zelda game, holy OMG. Anywho, can't wait to see the 3rd party support, cynics aside this system has HUGE potential, I'm sooooooo excited for what devs will be able to do with this...... I mean, the can seriously make some killer hardcore type games, and give us

I hope it's not too complicated for people to understand, I mean even the 3DS stumped most people, because this thing is the freakin coolest thing I've ever seen. It's like the iPad, Wii and DS had a love child with gaming and Vitamin F (friends) in mind. Just the 'ds' feeling in your living room is blowing my mind,

I can't lie, I'm a huge Nintendo fan. They have given me games and experiences that no other company ever has, and they always seem able to consistently do that. Even if those experiences are few and far between, wow they are worth it when they happen. But, I'm a gamer, I have all systems and share my love when

Yes, and I don't care it's a 'remake', I too am more stoked about Ocarina 3D than most anything else being released in the next 6 months. One of the best games of all time, remastered and in 3D (I love 3D, and have a feeling this game will sell others on the idea). Thou, Infamous 2 is today, and I'm kinda excited

I have to somewhat disagree regarding the hardcore comment. Most hardcore will agree that the Wii, well it was a joke for us, mine has collected more dust than any system I've ever owned. But, the few gems that were released (Galaxy, Twilight Princess, Metroid Corruption, Kirby (I personally don't care it was cute),