
I disagree - I’m not going to be ugly about it like a few of the other commenters, but I think society provided him every chance to succeed through all the benefits he received for playing a game. The only sadness I feel in his death is that for each of the families his actions impacted in his short life.

Society failed him? How so? He went to an elite high school, went to college, made millions of dollars in his early 20s, had as nice of a house as I’ve ever seen in person...he is a horribly fucked up person who made horribly fucked up choices.


Motherfucker society gave him more than it gives 99.999% of us. The asshole was a superstar athlete playboy millionaire who killed people because he enjoyed killing people. Fuck him, this is a fine outcome and you’re damn right I’m celebrating it.

Counter point, fuck this guy. Society was victimized by him.

I think you came to the wrong place to have this argument. He is a cold-blooded killer. He killed these people without remorse AFTER winning his way out with a contract worth millions. He’s a bitch who had the opportunity to do something great and be something better but instead chose to be said bitch. I agree with

Au contraire, dude

You have to be kidding me. Society didn’t make him shoot people. He did. This isn’t stealing food because he was hungry, it was shooting someone who might have pushed him in the club.

I know people who had it worse that turned out better.

I don’t need to get any closer to your little disease vector thanks.

those people are idiots and know nothing about biology--oxytocin is oxytocin, and whether you get it released in your brain from having an orgasm having sex with your guy or interacting with your biological child or petting your dog/cat, you feel the same love from it because it’s the same chemical. i suggest

I find the most selfish I often meet are the ones with kids, because all they seem to care about is their kids and hubby and general family unit. Most of the childfree and single people I know are the ones who are super involved with their communities and more supportive and active with their friends. Like I get it,

I’m 35, married to my partner of over a decade, and have no spawn. I have no driving biological need to reproduce and have known this since I was a wee child. In fact, I’m repulsed by the idea of being pregnant.

I’m fairly certain that 99% of the women who make snide comments about childless women are just jealous. Why else would they care so much about someone else’s decision?

I’ve never understood why people think deciding to not pump out a few spawn is “selfish”.

My response to that is that having children IS selfish. Parenting is not. Parenting is selfless- a real sacrifice, and I’m amazed at the people who manage to do it well. But having kids is selfish. There is no non-selfish reason to do it. The world is shit, the kid did not ask to be born into it, and there are

Who are these selfish weirdos who expect their children to spend their lives caring for them? If I have kids I want them to go live their damn lives, not be sitting around waiting on me hand and foot.

Hear, hear! As a fellow child-free I’ve thought about the snide comments a bit. My theory: raising children is hard and painful. If everyone in the world chose not to have kids like us, the human race would die out. But there’s no risk of everyone else choosing that anytime soon, so those who easily could have

I’m not the person you asked, but it went swell for me. I just said “I don’t want kids” and any guys who wanted kids or showed the least bit of judgement/confusion about that, I immediately lost all interest in. Like, the “but... motherhood” or “one day, I’d like...” immediately caused my libido to take a nosedive, so

I’ve told the longer story elsewhere on Jezebel but the short of it is my wife almost died from an ectopic pregnancy. We generally fall back on “well we tried but God tried to kill my wife so I figure its out of our hands. Take it up with him.”