
There is no opioid epidemic. If you go to the CDC (Center for Disease Control) website and look up mortality statistics, about the same number of people are dying of heroin/pharmaceutical opiate overdoses as were ten years ago.

It is now known that the brain is not fully developed until approximately age 25, and this includes the frontal lobe and the associational cerebral cortex where judgment and executive functioning lie. The critical parts of the brain involved in decision-making are not fully developed until age 25 or so.

Putting the woman down by calling her a sexualized slur, the b-word, shows that Lopez is a complete sexist and misogynist. There are fair ways for an allegedly articulate performer to deal with a heckler or unhappy audience member besides sexist bullying.

Wolves do not eat people.

Absolutely. Research shows that handwriting is linked to better writing and reading skills.

Actually, there are many reasons to use pens. Research is showing that writing with a pen helps memory and brain development in the language and memory regions. The use of digital media does not aid in development of these brain regions.

Because he is charged with a crime and police who shoot and kill unarmed black people usually do not get charged with a crime and get away scot-free.